Bharati Vidyapeeth Inst. of Technology adds feathers to its cap….
“Best Laboratory Award conferred to HEAT and MASS Transfer Lab of Chemical Engineering Department, Bharati Vidyapeeth Institute of Technology, Navi Mumbai by MSBTE. It is one of the only six labs awarded in Maharashtra.”
“Two Programmes: Chemical Engineering and Electronics and Telecommunication of Bharati Vidyapeeth Institute of Technology, Navi Mumbai reaccredited by National Board of Accreditation (NBA).”
The HEAT and MASS Transfer Lab of Chemical Engineering Department of Bharati Vidyapeeth Institute of Technology has bagged the Best Laboratory Award conferred by Maharashtra State Board of Technical Education.
Online applications were invited from eligible institutions from all over Maharashtra, 48 applications were received and only 21 were found eligible.10 Awards were to be awarded but the expert teams found only 6 labs to be qualified for the award. The HEAT and MASS Transfer Lab of BVIT is one of the proud owners.
This well equipped core lab of Chemical Engineering meets all the criterion requisite of All India Council of Technical Education (AICTE). All equipments are in proper working condition and well calibrated. It is maintained by qualified technical staff, who keep the record of the maintenance and periodically replace the obsolete equipment. This lab fulfills the safety requirements like fire extinguishers at the right place and display of safety instructions. As an attempt to protect the environment, the lab has a solar panel which partially fulfills its energy requirement.
Another achievement of Bharati Vidyapeeth Institute of Technology is that two Programmes, Chemical Engineering and Electronics and Telecommunication, have been reaccredited by National Board of Accreditation (NBA).