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Science & Humanities

About Department

About Department

‘Social transformation through dynamic education’ is the motto of Bharati Vidyapeeth, while giving dynamic education we have been drawing focus not only on dynamic education but also on building the personality and character of the students. We are dealing with ‘live machineries” in the language of Mahatma Gandhi. Only knowledge is not important, it should go hand in hand with appropriate personality and character of students. According to Swami Vivekananda, the basic purpose of education is the total development of human personality. Everyone is endowed with certain capacities, which remain dormant, although in a potential form, in childhood. Swami Vivekananda believed education is the process by which these inherent potentialities in human personality manifest themselves in completing his or her total development. If it fails it can be disastrous.

Science department is one of the departments which believe in these thoughts. It teaches humanity and gives dynamic education for Social Transformation. This has been done with the help of our dynamic faculty for the last 38 years.

  • Year of Establishment:1983
  • Student's Intake:0027 (490) Shift(I)
  • Head of Department:No HOD”
  • Contact- Phone no.:022-27580126 EXT 167
  • Teaching Staff:07
  • Non-Technical Staff:03


Faculty List and Profiles

Faculty List

S.No.Name PAN NoQualification Area of Specialization Designation Date of Joining Date on which as HOD,
 Lecture (Sr Grade),
Lecture (SL Grade)
Nature of association
If contractual
mention fulltime
or part time
Date of leaving
1Mr.Vinai MehrotraACRPM3890MM.Sc, MBAMathsTPO10/1/198612/1/2008YRegular-11/30/2023
2Anagha Amar BadeAIHPB1847PM.Sc(Maths)MathsLecturer7/9/20017/9/2001YRegular- 
3Mr.Vinod WaghmareABCPW3704EM.A. B.ed, LLB, MBAEnglishLecturer12/6/200712/6/2007YRegular- 
4Mr. Milind PatilAZEPP7109AMA. B.Ed( English) MBA(HR)EnglishLecturer1/8/20081/8/2008YRegular- 
5Ms.Maya Sitaram SalveCDOPS1670RM.A.B.EdEnglishLecturer9/11/20089/11/2008YRegular- 
6Dr.Kirdat PandurangBIRPK0753QM.A., M.Phil., Ph.D. (English)EnglishLecturer9/17/20089/17/2008YRegular- 
7Mrs.Ujwala PatilBBLPP2718MM.Sc.(Physics).B.Ed.(Sci.& Maths)PhysicsLecturer1/10/20088/13/2008 Regular- 
8Mr. Sachin Shivaji KadamAWRPK0724GM.Sc.(Chemistry) ; B.Ed.ChemistryLecturer8/9/20088/9/2008YRegular- 
9Mrs. Jyoti Atul PanseARZPP3384NM.Sc.MathematicsMathsLecturer7/23/20097/23/2009YVisiting- 

Faculty Profile

  1. Mrs. Anagha Bade
  2. Mr. Vinod Waghmare
  3. Mr. Milind Patil
  4. Ms. Maya S. Salve
  5. Mr. Pandurang Kirdat
  6. Mrs. Ujwala Patil
  7. Mr. Sachin Kadam

Faculty Load

Sr.No.Name First YearSecond YearThird Year Total
1.Mrs. Anagha Bade124- ---16
2.Mr. Vinod Waghmare0123 03018
3.Mr. Milind Patil014- -3219
4.Mrs. Maya Salve010- -5419
5.Dr. Pandurang Kirdat-83 -5218
6.Mrs. Ujwala Patil614- ---20
7.Mr. Sachin Kadam614- ---20



Language Lab

Physics Lab

Chemistry Lab

Major Equipments

List of Major Equipments in each Laboratory/ Workshop

S.No. Name Of Equipment Labroratory Name Cost
1 Archimedes App. Complete set Physics Lab 1980/-
2 Inclined plane Delux Pattern Heary Iron Base Complete With froction Less Pully linear &circulac scale , ss pan a wheeled Trolly inclined up to us degree weight box brass up to =200gms spirit level brass (complet set)

Physics Lab

3 Protcator superir Quality Wooden 30 cm long Redius 90 degree along water supply Bottle with Nozzle Complete set. Physics Lab 1550/-
4 Glass graduted Burette with stand and clamp capillary 1mm &Rubber tube complete set Physics Lab 1150/-
5 Digital Photo cell Charactecistick App Along with LDR Box complete set Physics Lab 11500/-
6 Digital plank constant Appratus with digital yeeiable Regulated power supply of o -VDC Vacaume type photo cell lamp &set of three filters Blue Greeen &Yellow 30cm long wooden plan comlete set Physics Lab 28700/-
7 Glass beaker &Glass meajering cylinder 10 m / 80 funnel for burette Physics Lab 1200/-
8 Redwood Viscometer Aratus Chemistry Lab 8500/-
9 Abel's Close Cup App Chemistry Lab 9500/-
10 Ammeter 1 AMP Chemistry Lab 850/-
11 Abel's Close Cup Appartus Chemistry Lab 16549/-
12 Cleveland Open Cup App Chemistry Lab 19558/-
13 Digital Nephelo meter Auto Ran Chemistry Lab 10773/-
14 Lingua phone -21 Language Lab 180000/-

Experimental Setup

List of Experimental Setup in each Laboratory /Workshop

S.No. Laboratory Name Equipment Name Quantity
1 Chemistry Lab Water Dram-150 Ltr. 1
2 Chemistry Lab Electric Oven 1

Chemistry Lab Conductivity Meter 1

Chemistry Lab Analytical Electric Balance 1

Chemistry Lab Digital Polar meter ( Equip.) 1

Chemistry Lab Calorimeter With 5- filter ( Equip) 1

Chemistry Lab 17" Color Monitor with computer 1

Chemistry Lab Laptop-44Q. 1
9 Chemistry Lab 732 NW Monitor with computer 1
10 Chemistry Lab Gas Fitting 1
11 Chemistry Lab Fine electronic Balance 1
12 Chemistry Lab Conductivity Meter 1
13 Chemistry Lab Electronic Digital Balance 1
14 Chemistry Lab Electronic Balance 3 kg. 1
15 Chemistry Lab Magnetic Stirrer 2MLH 1
16 Chemistry Lab Stop Watch 1
17 Chemistry Lab PH meter 1
18 Chemistry Lab ATX Cabinent Samsung S19B300
B Moniter With Computer
19 Chemistry Lab Magnetic Stirrer 2MLH 1
20 Chemistry Lab Redwood Viscometer Aratus 1
21 Chemistry Lab Abel's Close Cup App 1
22 Chemistry Lab Ammeter 1 AMP 1
23 Chemistry Lab Cleveland Open Cup App 1
24 Chemistry Lab Abel's Close Cup Appartus 1
25 Chemistry Lab Digital Nephelo meter Auto Ran 1
26 Physics Lab Archimedes App. Complete set

27 Physics Lab Inclined plane Delux Pattern Heary Iron Base Complete With froction Less Pully linear &circulac scale , ss pan a wheeled Trolly inclined up to us degree weight box brass up to =200gms spirit level brass (complet set)

28 Physics Lab Protcator superir Quality Wooden 30 cm long Redius 90 degree along water supply Bottle with Nozzle Complete set.

29 Physics Lab Glass graduted Burette with stand and clamp capillary 1mm &Rubber tube complete set

30 Physics Lab Digital Photo cell Charactecistick App Along with LDR Box complete set

31 Physics Lab Digital plank constant Appratus with digital yeeiable Regulated power supply of o -VDC Vacaume type photo cell lamp &set of three filters Blue Greeen &Yellow 30cm long wooden plan complete set

32 Physics Lab Glass beaker &Glass meajering cylinder 10 m / 80 funnel for burette 1

Industry Institute Interaction

Industrial Visit

S.No. Date of visit Name of Company Address of company Photo
1. 18/12/2017 ISPAT Pen
2. 30/3/2018 Sula Wines Nashik
3. 9/3/2019 Parle G Silvasa
4. 10/3/2019 Bombay Reyan Silvasa

Student Faculty Ratio

Permanent faculty: student ratio:

Year Student Faculty Ratio
2019-2020 20:01
2018-2019 20:01
2017-2018 20:01

Continuous Evaluation System

Internal Continuous Evaluation System:

Evaluation of the students’ theoretical knowledge and practical performance skills are done continuously for all the courses by the concerned faculty.

Assignments are given after the completion of a Chapter in each course (subject).

Two Unit Tests are conducted in each semester.

During practical sessions, oral questions are asked and the students are assessed based on their ability to understand the Process and Product related to each experiment.

Feedback System

Feedback System

Students feedback is taken during each semester.

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