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Institute of Technology (Polytechnic), Navi Mumbai, Mumbai

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Computer Technology

About Department

About Department:

The Department of Computer Technology was established in the year 1986 .This is an exciting period for the Computer Engineering profession as the rapidly changing technology creates many opportunities and challenges. Department of Computer Technology is prepared to meet the challenges and is playing a leadership role in shaping the education of the 21st Century by providing unique educational and research opportunities in the forefront of Computer Engineering, Information Technology and their applications.

The Department has always been on a high growth and path since from its establishment. To keep pace with latest technologies, department has employed experienced and dedicated faculty with strong commitment towards research work. The department is well equipped and supported by various facilities.

The students are focused with the use of conceptual understanding of core domain areas in Computing as well as enhanced programming skills disseminating their analytical abilities. Our aim is to provide our students the lifelong learning and leadership skills that enable them to grow in their professions and advance to positions of responsibility by effective Industry-Institute Interaction. The Department has an excellent placement record and the placed students are in prestigious software industries all over the world.

The Objective of Computer Technology Diploma course is to educate students with an understanding of programming languages, Database Management, Software Testing, Computer Network and Security.

Our Department has been accredited by National Board of Accreditation for two terms 2012 to 2015 and from 2021 to 2024.

  • Year of Establishment:1986
  • Student's Intake:180
  • Head of Department:Mr. Mithun Vishnu Mhatre
  • Contact no.:022-27572434
  • Teaching Staff:17
  • Non-Technical Staff:05
  • Vision, Mission etc.


    Aspiring to provide society with well-qualified Computer engineers equipped with excellent technical skills and ethical values to compete globally.


    • M1. To impart quality technical education that meets the needs of present and emerging trends in Computer Technology
    • M2. To strive for student achievement and success, preparing them for lifelong learning and leadership.
    • M3. To provide a scholarly and vibrant learning environment that enables staff and students achieve personal and professional growth.
    • M4. To contribute to advancement of knowledge, in both fundamental and applied areas of engineering and technology.
    • M5. To forge mutually beneficial relationships with governmental entities, industry, society and the alumni.

    Program Educational Objectives:

    • PEO 1. Provide socially responsible, environment-friendly solutions to Computer engineering-related broad-based problems adapting professional ethics.
    • PEO 2. Adapt state-of-the-art Computer engineering broad-based technologies to work in multidisciplinary work environments.
    • PEO 3. Solve broad-based problems individually and as a team member communicating effectively in the world of work.

    Program Outcomes:

    1. Basic and Discipline specific knowledge: Apply knowledge of basic mathematics, science and engineering fundamentals and engineering specialization to solve the engineering problems.
    2. Problem analysis: Identify and analyse well-defined engineering problems using codified standard methods.
    3. Design/ development of solutions: Design solutions for well-defined technical problems and assist with the design of systems components or processes to meet specified needs.
    4. Engineering Tools, Experimentation and Testing: Apply modern engineering tools and appropriate technique to conduct standard tests and measurements.
    5. Engineering practices for society, sustainability and environment: Apply appropriate technology in context of society, sustainability, environment and ethical practices.
    6. Project Management: Use engineering management principles individually, as a team member or a leader to manage projects and effectively communicate about well-defined engineering activities.
    7. Life-long learning: Ability to analyze individual needs and engage in updating in the context of technological changes.

    Program Specific Outcomes:

    • PSO1: Computer Software and Hardware Usage: Use state-of-the-art technologies for operation and application of computer software and hardware.
    • PSO2: Computer Engineering Maintenance: Maintain computer engineering related software and hardware systems.


    Faculty List and Profiles

    Faculty List

    S. No. Name PAN No. Qualification Area of Specialization Designation Date of Joining Date on which
    Designated as
    Lecturer /
    Senior Lecturer /
    Nature of
    (Regular  /
    Contract /
    full time
    part time
    Date of
    1 Mr. Mithun Vishnu Mhatre ASRPM5190L M.E. (Computer Engineering.) Computer Engineering. HOD 27/06/2007 08/10/2013 Y Regular - -
    2 Mrs. Swati Bhushan Patil BENPP3650P M.E. (Computer Engineering.) Computer Science Engineering.) Lecturer 25/06/2007 25/06/2007 Y Regular - -
    3 Mrs. Vijaya Sayaji Chavan AJFPJ9696M M.E. (Computer Engineering.) Computer Engineering. Lecturer 10/07/2007 10/07/2007 Y Regular - -
    4 Mrs. Suwarna Vijay Nimkarde ABBPW4575A M. Tech. (Computer Science Engineering.) Computer Science Engineering.) Lecturer 10/07/2007 10/07/2007 Y Regular - -
    5 Mrs. Shobhana Avinash Gaikwad AMGPP2735D M. Tech. (Computer Science Engineering.) Computer Science Engineering. Lecturer 20/08/2008 20/08/2008 Y Regular - -
    6 Mr.Mohan Kashinath Mali AWWPM6069R M. Tech. (IT) Information Technology Lecturer 26/08/2008 26/08/2008 Y Regular   -
    7 Mrs. Pournima Abhishek Kamble AFCPLL8107J M.E. (Computer Science Engineering.) COMPUTER Lecturer 20/07/2009 20/07/2009 Y Regular - -
    8 Mr. Rahul Uttam Patil AJYPP2263M M. Tech., (Computer Science Engineering.) Computer Science Engineering.) Lecturer 03/08/2009 03/08/2009 Y Regular - -
    9 Ms. Sujata Shankar Gawade AVPPG6374H M.Tech. (Computer Engineering.) Computer Engineering Lecturer 01/07/2010 01/07/2010 Y Regular - -
    10 Mrs. Shilpa Makarand Jadhav AYNPJ7213M BE Computer Science Computer Science Engineering.) Lecturer 01/07/2023 01/07/2023 Y Regular - -
    11 Mrs Kalyani Pandurang Kapde(More) CRXPM6279F BE Computer Science Computer Science Engineering.) Lecturer 01/08/2023 01/08/2023 Y Regular - -
    12 Ms Reena Amrut Gharat BBYPG9583L BE (Information Technology) Information Technology Lecturer 01/01/2024 01/01/2024 Y Regular    
    13 Ms.Harshal Hari Patil ECLPP3985E BE(Computer Technology) Computer Engineering Lecturer 21/06/2024 21/06/2024 Y Regular - -
    14 Mrs. Namrata Roshan Madhavi EDPPS6484E BE(Computer Science & Engineering.) Computer Science & Engineering. Lecturer 15/07/2024 15/07/2024 Y Regular - -
    15 Mr.Arjun Haribhau Kadam COSPK1495P M.TECH CSE ( pursuing) Electronics & Telecommunication Engineering Lecturer 25/11/2024 25/11/2024 Y Regular - -
    16 Mrs Monicka Nitin Jagtap BKIPM8762L B.E.(Electronics Engineering.) Electronics Engineering Lecturer 01/01/2025 01/01/2025 Y Regular - -
    17 Mrs Rupali Shekar Bhosale AQGPG0667D B.E.( Electronics Engineering) Electronics Engineering Lecturer 01/01/2025 01/01/2025 Y Regular - -

    Faculty Profile

    1. Mr. Mithun Vishnu Mhatre, HOD
    2. Mrs. Swati Bhushan Patil
    3. Mrs. Vijaya Sayaji Chavan
    4. Mrs. Suwarna Vijay Nimkarde
    5. Mrs. Shobhana Avinash Gaikwad
    6. Mr.Mohan Kashinath Mali
    7. Mrs. Pournima Abhishek Kamble
    8. Mr. Rahul Uttam Patil
    9. Ms. Sujata Shankar Gawade
    10. Mrs. Shilpa Makarand Jadhav
    11. Mrs Kalyani Pandurang Kapde(More)
    12. Ms Reena Amrut Gharat
    13. Ms.Harshal Hari Patil
    14. Mrs. Namrata Roshan Madhavi
    15. Mr.Arjun Haribhau Kadam
    16. Mrs Monicka Nitin Jagtap
    17. Mrs Rupali Shekar Bhosale

    Faculty Load

    Faculty Load

    Teaching Load Of Each Faculty

    Computer Technology Department

    Academic Year 2023-24 Even Semester

    1.Mr. Mithun Mhatre 310 13
    2.Mrs. Swati Patil 512 4 21
    3.Mrs. Vijaya Chavan 614 20
    4.Mrs. Suwarna Nimkarde 316 19
    5.Mrs. Shobhana Gaikwad 212 34 21
    6.Mr. Mohan Mali 614 20
    7.Mrs. Pournima Kamble 614 20
    8.Mr. Rahul Patil 4 312 19
    9.Mrs. Sujata Gawade 46 38 21
    10.Mrs. Shilpa Jadhav 510 32 20
    11.Mrs. Kalyani Kapde 614 20
    12.Mrs. Reena Gharat 716 23
    13Ms Jyoti Yadav 210 26 20
    14.Mrs. Prerna Mahajan 418 22
    15.Mrs. Rupali Bhosale 812 20
    16.Ms. Shital Patil 514 19
    17.Mrs. Vidya Mane 416 20
    18.Mrs. Vaishnavi Surve 218 20
    19.Mr. Amit Patil 416 20
    20.Mrs. Monika Jagtap 814 22




    Advanced Programming Lab
    Computer Network and Security Lab
    Database Management Lab
    Digital Lab
    Hardware and Networking Lab
    Mobile Application Development Lab
    Open Source Lab
    Programming Lab
    Software Engineering and Project Management Lab

    Major Equipments

    Laboratories - Major Equipments

    List of Major Equipments in each Laboratory / Workshop

    S.No. Equipment Name Laboratory Name Cost
    1 UPS 5 KVA 2 Qty SERVER ROOM 2,29,632
    2 Intel core i7 7700 pro
    gigabyte b250m-d2v m/b
    crucial DDRIV 8 gb ram
    wd 1tb sata hdd
    dvd writer
    artis 400 power supply
    logitech mk200 combo
    vip cabinet
    samsung 18.5 monitor
    3 Intel core i7 7700 pro
    gigabyte b250m-d2v m/b
    wd 1tb sata hdd
    crucial DDRIV 8 gb ram
    dvd writer
    logitech mk200 combo
    artis 400 power supply
    vip cabinet
    samsung 18.5 monitor
    DATABASE LAB 56,000
    4 Intel core i7 7700 pro
    gigabyte b250m-d2v m/b
    wd 1tb sata hdd
    samsung 18.5 monitor
    crucial DDRIV 8 gb ram
    logitech mk200 combo
    artis 400 power supply
    dvd writer
    vip cabinet
    OPEN SOURCE LAB 56,000

    Experimental Set-up

    Laboratories - Experimental Set-up

    Awards and Honours

    Roll of Honour

    Roll of Honor
    Academic year Name of Student Percentage
    2023 Nikhil Hemant Chaudhari 92.63
    2022 Prathamesh Patil 92.74
    2021 Vighnesh Manjrekar 93.43
    2020 Pratiksha Salunkhe 94.29
    2019 Lav Sharma 90.18
    2018 Sailee Shingare 90.76
    2017 Tanish Sehagal 91.35
    2016 Shraddha Bhatkar 81.61
    2015 Mayur Sandbhor 88.29
    2014 Anita Mane 76.90
    2013 Shubham Dhaiwal 78.13
    2012 Pranali Deshmukh 81.81
    2011 Harshad Hule 89.03
    2010 Vikram Patil 87.31
    2009 Shelke Kavita 88.62
    2008 Kadam Dayanand 78.00
    2007 Shista Naaz 82.00
    2006 Patil Alok 80.32
    2005 Patil Vicky 75.36
    2004 Patel Namrata 78.88
    2003 Patel Alpha 75.70
    2002 Shaligram Sameer 79.31
    2001 Pande Amar 79.70
    2000 Jain Deepali 79.02
    1999 Chaudhary Swati 69.26
    1998 Patel Prashant 68.78
    1997 Mehta Sunita 80.09
    1996 Kothari Vishal 82.63
    1995 Puthiyavettle Narayanan 73.81
    1994 Sharma Pinky 75.81
    1993 Patil Suwarna 75.54
    1992 Rajpure Dattartraya 79.00
    1991 Mehta Paresh 71.90
    1990 Adsul Nitin 72.45
    1989 Shinde Anil 66.63

    Laurels to Department

    Students' Achievements
    S.No. Date Event
    (National / State / Inter-Departmental)
    Venue Participants Achievements
    1 2020-21 State Govt.Poly. Karad Ketan Bhoye Second
    2 2020-21 State B.V.I.O.T., Palus Harshal Shikhare First
    3 2020-21 State Govt.Poly. Karad Sumant Dusane First
    4 2020-21 Inter-college BVYMC ,Pune Shraddha Jadhav Second
    5 2021-22 Intra-college BVIT, Navi Mumbai Siddhi Sonaje Second
    6 2021-22 National Anantrao Pawar College of Engg Pune Sumant Dusane Third
    7 2021-22 National Anantrao Pawar College of Engg Pune Ketan Bhoye Third
    8 2021-22 National Anantrao Pawar College of Engg Pune Prathamesh Patil Third
    9 2021-22 Department BVIT, Navi Mumbai Isha Patil First
    10 2021-22 Department BVIT, Navi Mumbai Gauri Shinde First
    11 2021-22 Department BVIT, Navi Mumbai Rutuja Sathe First
    12 2021-22 Department BVIT, Navi Mumbai Komal Kamble Third
    13 2021-22 Department BVIT, Navi Mumbai Janhvi Dhale Second
    14 2021-22 Department BVIT, Navi Mumbai Janhvi Dhale First
    15 2021-22 Department BVIT, Navi Mumbai Janhvi Dhale First
    16 2021-22 Department BVIT, Navi Mumbai Janhvi Dhale First
    17 2021-22 Department BVIT, Navi Mumbai Saniya Jitekar First
    18 2021-22 Department BVIT, Navi Mumbai Sakshi More Second
    19 2021-22 Department BVIT, Navi Mumbai Aditi Patil First
    20 2021-22 Department BVIT, Navi Mumbai Aditi Patil First
    21 2021-22 Department BVIT, Navi Mumbai Kshitij Mhatre First
    22 2021-22 Department BVIT, Navi Mumbai Sanika Kurale First
    23 2021-22 Department BVIT, Navi Mumbai Sanika Kurale First
    24 2021-22 Department BVIT, Navi Mumbai PrathameshNipane First
    25 2021-22 Department BVIT, Navi Mumbai Prathamsh Shinde First
    26 2021-22 Department BVIT, Navi Mumbai Vansh Naik First
    27 2021-22 Department BVIT, Navi Mumbai Abhishek Tupe First
    28 2021-22 Department BVIT, Navi Mumbai Samarth Patil First
    29 2021-22 Department BVIT, Navi Mumbai Nayan Sawale First
    30 2021-22 Department BVIT, Navi Mumbai Samarth Patil First
    31 2021-22 Department BVIT, Navi Mumbai Ashutosh Mohite First
    32 2021-22 Department BVIT, Navi Mumbai Animesh Deshmukh First
    33 2022-23 State SIOT, Navi Mumbai Parth Patil Third
    34 2022-23 State SIOT, Navi Mumbai Soham Kirve Third
    35 15-Sep-22 State Sarswati Institute of Technology Soham Kirve Third
    36 15-Sep-22 State Sarswati Institute of Technology Parth Patil Third
    37 13-Oct-22 State BVIT Navi Mumbai Parth Patil First
    38 13-Oct-22 State BVIT Navi Mumbai Dev Rai First
    39 2-Nov-22 Inter-Departmental BVIT Navi Mumbai Dev Rai First
    40 2-Nov-22 Inter-Departmental BVIT Navi Mumbai Parth Patil First
    41 3-Apr-23 State SCOE, Kharghar Jiya Singh First
    42 3-Apr-23 State SCOE, Kharghar Saniya Jitekar First
    43 3-Apr-23 State SCOE, Kharghar Saniya Shaikh First
    44 3-Apr-23 State SCOE, Kharghar Umair Momin First
    45 23-Mar-23 Institute BVIT Navi Mumbai Saniya Jitekar First
    46 23-Mar-23 Institute BVIT Navi Mumbai Saniya Jitekar First
    47 23-Mar-23 Institute BVIT Navi Mumbai Saniya Jitekar First
    48 23-Mar-23 Institute BVIT Navi Mumbai Sakshi More First
    49 23-Mar-23 Institute BVIT Navi Mumbai Sakshi More Second
    50 23-Mar-23 Institute BVIT Navi Mumbai Sakshi More Second
    51 23-Mar-23 Institute BVIT Navi Mumbai Sakshi More Second
    52 23-Mar-23 Institute BVIT Navi Mumbai Sakshi More Second
    53 23-Mar-23 Institute BVIT Navi Mumbai Gauri Arpita Third
    54 23-Mar-23 Institute BVIT Navi Mumbai Saniya Jitekar Third

    Industry Institute Interactions

    Guest/Expert Lectures

    S.No. Date of Lecture Name of Guest/Expert Designation / Company Topic
    1 09/02/2021 Manisha Wankhade Software Engg, Software Solutions Mwell Motivation for Future educational growth
    2 09/02/2021 Vinod Rathod Professor Bharatividyappeth, Deemed University Data Structure
    3 09/03/2021 Monika Mahajan Software Developer | TechBulls SoftTech Software Testing
    4 09/16/2021 Umakant Chopade, Software Engg Advanced Java Programming
    5 09/20/2021 Nikhil Jamdade (Alumni) Software Engg Alumni Interaction on Carrier Guidance
    6 12/18/2021 Mahesh Pavaskar Security Architect,Cleared Europe Services, Begium Carrier Opportunities in Cyber Security
    7 04/12/2022 Mr Arvind Aher Wealth Genics Educart Pvt. Ltd. Financial Education Free Awareness
    8 9/2/2021 Manisha Wankhade Software Engg,Mwell Software Solutions Motivation for Future educational growth
    9 9/2/2021 Vinod Rathod Professor Bharatividyappeth Deemed University Advanced Java Programming
    10 9/3/2021 Monika Mahajan Software Developer ,TechBulls SoftTech Alumni Interaction on Carrier Guidance
    11 12/18/2021 Mahesh Pavaskar Security Architect,Cleared Europe Services,Begium Carrier Opportunities in Cyber Security
    12 4/12/2022 Mr Arvind Aher Wealth Genics Educart Pvt Ltd Financial Education Free Awareness
    13 9/29/2022 Pankaj Suryawanshi Manager,IBM Alumni Interaction on Carreier Gudience
    14 10/21/2022 Pawaskar Mahesh Security Architect,IBM Networking basics and network devices
    15 11/3/2022 Seema Pal Team Leader,Biz Techventures Importance of Cyber Security
    16 11/3/2022 Abrar Khan Team Leader,Biz Techventures Alumni iInteraction on Cyber Security
    17 11/11/2022 Pritam Padhey Team Leader,TCS Microservices with Spring- Boot(Java), Github and containers of application
    18 2/14/2023 Hitesh Chhatralia Digital Marketing Trainer,Helpopedia Digital Marketing
    19 2/16/2023 Atul patil Cyber Security Analyst,Mahendra & Mahendra Cyber Security

    Industrial Training

    Industrial Training ( students)

    S.No. Date Industry Participants
    1 04-07-2022 to 14-08-2022 AOT Solution-Six Week Summer Industrial Training SYCM
    2 04-07-2022 to 14-08-2022 Lotus Educare Academy-Six Week Summer Industrial Training SYCM
    3 07-06-2023 to 24-07-2023 Lotus Educare Academy-Six Week Summer Industrial Training SYCM
    4 07-06-2023 to 24-07-2023 Annotation Infotech LLP-Six Week Summer Industrial Training SYCM
    5 07-06-2023 to 24-07-2023 Woobblr Technologies Pvt Ltd.-Six Week Summer Industrial Training SYCM

    Student Faculty Ratio

    Permanent faculty: student ratio:

    Academic Year Student Faculty Ratio
    2023-2024 24.10
    2022-2023 24.86
    2021-2022 22.11
    Average SFR 23.69

    Continuous Evaluation System

    Continuous Evaluation System

    Evaluation of the students’ theoretical knowledge and practical performance skills are done continuously for all the courses by the concerned faculty.

    • Assignments are given after the completion of each Chapter in each course (subject).
    • Two Unit Tests are conducted in each semester.
    • During practical sessions, oral questions are asked and the students are assessed based on their ability to understand the Process and Product related to each experiment.

    Feedback System

    Feedback System

    • Students feedback of faculty is taken during each semester.
    • Exit students (students passing out from the college) feedback is also taken.
    • Feedback is also taken from Stake holders like Parents, Alumni and Employers of the students from this Institute.

    Co-curricular Activities

    S.No. Date Event
    (National/ International/ Department)
    Venue Participants Achievement
    1 7-Jan-21 State BVYMC Erandwane ,Pune Shraddha Jadhav Second
    2 5-Jun-21 State Theem College Of Engg. Neha Gaikwad Participation
    3 7-May-21 State PVPIT,Bavdhan Pune Shraddha Jadhav Participation
    4 21-May-21 State Bhausaheb Vartak Polytechnic Shraddha Jadhav Participation
    5 19-Apr-21 State B.V.C.O.E.Mumbai Vighnesh Manjrekar Participation
    6 15-Jan-21 State B.v.College of Pharmacy & Inst. Of Pharmacy Vighnesh Manjrekar Participation
    7 29-Apr-21 State K.C.College Of Engg and Mgt. Vighnesh Manjrekar Participation
    8 20-May-21 State Govt.Poly. Karad Vighnesh Manjrekar Participation
    9 7-May-21 State PVPIT,Bavdhan Pune Vighnesh Manjrekar Participation
    10 28-May-21 State B.V.I.T.Palus Vighnesh Manjrekar Participation
    11 30-May-21 State S.S.Jondhale Polytechnic Vighnesh Manjrekar Participation
    12 20-May-21 State Govt.Poly. Karad Sumant Dusane First
    13 28-May-21 State Yashawantrao Bhosale poly Sawantwadi Sumant Dusane Participation
    14 28-May-21 State B.V.I.O.T.,Palus Harshal Shikhare First
    15 22-May-21 State Govt.Poly. Karad Ketan Bhoye Second
    16 22-May-21 State S.V.C.P.Pune Ketan Bhoye Participation
    17 20-May-21 State Uber technologies Ketan Bhoye Participation
    18 20-May-21 State Govt.Poly. Karad Shakir Tisekar Participation
    19 21-May-21 State Bhausaheb Vartak Polytechnic Shraddha Jadhav Participation
    20 7-May-21 State PVPIT,Bavdhan Pune Shraddha Jadhav Participation
    21 3-Feb-21 State Microsoft Siddhesh Mhatre Participation
    22 10-May-21 State ARMIET Siddhesh Mhatre Participation
    23 19-Apr-21 State Thakur Poly Sumant Dusane Participation
    24 29-Apr-21 State K.C.College Of Engg and Mgt. Harshal Shikhare Participation
    25 10-May-21 State ARMIET Ketan Bhoye Participation
    26 5-Jun-21 State Theem College Of Engg. Arham Momin Participation
    27 5-Jun-21 State Theem College Of Engg. Atuf Shaikh Participation
    28 6-Jun-21 State B.V.I.T.Navi Munbai Mihir Jadhav Participation
    29 5-Jun-21 State Theem College Of Engg. Mihir Jadhav Participation
    30 5-Jun-21 State Spoken Tutorial project, IIT Bombay Mihir Jadhav Participation
    31 6-Jun-21 State B.V.I.T.Navi Munbai Pratiksha Gaikwad Participation
    32 22-May-21 National S.V.C.P.Pune Harshal Shikhare Participation
    33 9-Jun-21 National B.VJ.N.I.O.T.Pune Harshal Shikhare Participation
    34 21-May-21 National Bhausaheb Vartak Polytechnic Harshal Shikhare Participation
    35 20-May-21 National Govt.Poly. Karad Harshal Shikhare Participation
    36 5-Jun-21 National Theem College Of Engg. Rohan More Participation
    37 13-May-21 National Devi Mahalaxmi Polytechnic College ,Titwala Shakir Tisekar Participation
    38 13-Oct-22 State BVIT Navi Mumbai Parth Patil First
    39 13-Oct-22 State BVIT Navi Mumbai Dev Rai First
    40 13-Oct-22 State BVIT Navi Mumbai Siddhi Sonaje Participation
    41 13-Oct-22 State BVIT Navi Mumbai Durva Yerunkar Participation
    42 3-Apr-23 State SCOE ,Kharghar Fatima Mulla Participation
    43 3-Apr-23 State SCOE ,Kharghar Om Kamble Participation
    44 3-Apr-23 State SCOE ,Kharghar Zibyan Satopay Participation
    45 3-Apr-23 State SCOE ,Kharghar Jiya Singh First
    46 3-Apr-23 State SCOE ,Kharghar Saniya Jitekar First
    47 3-Apr-23 State SCOE ,Kharghar Saniya Shaikh First
    48 3-Apr-23 State SCOE ,Kharghar Umair Momin First
    49 6-Apr-23 State Sarswati Institute of Technology Parth Patil Participation
    50 6-Apr-23 State Sarswati Institute of Technology Dev Rai Participation
    51 2-Dec-22 State ISTE student chapter Ibrahim Khan Participation
    52 13-Apr-23 State Vidyalankar Poly Ibrahim Khan Participation
    53 18-Nov-22 State MSBTE Navi Mumbai Saniya Jitekar Participation
    54 6-Apr-23 Institute Sarswati Institute of Technology Sejal Vartak Participation
    55 6-Apr-23 Institute Sarswati Institute of Technology Purva Jage Participation
    56 3-Apr-23 State SCOE ,Kharghar Fatima Mulla Participation
    57 3-Apr-23 State SCOE ,Kharghar Muhammad Satopay Participation
    58 3-Apr-23 State SCOE ,Kharghar Om Kamble Participation
    59 13-Apr-23 State Vidyalankar Poly Tanmay Salavkar Participation
    60 13-Apr-23 State Vidyalankar Poly Atharv Velhal Participation
    61 2-Dec-22 State ISTE student chapter Komal Kamble Participation
    62 2-Dec-22 State ISTE student chapter Atharv Chaurikar Participation
    63 8-Apr-22 National MSBTE Navi Mumbai Akanksha Sankpal Participation
    64 9-Apr-22 National MSBTE Navi Mumbai Sakshi Dodke Participation
    65 2-Dec-22 State ISTE student chapter Sakshi Shende Participation
    66 31-April-23 National Megahck 3.0 Nikhil Chaudhari Participation
    67 31-April-24 National Megahck 3.1 Aaditya Jambhale Participation

    Extra-Curricular Activities

    S.No. Date Event
    (National/ International/ Department)
    Venue Participants Achievement
    1 2019-20 Department BVIT, Navi Mumbai Aabas Girish Janbandhu Runner-up
    2 2019-20 Department Pillai Aleguia Event Dishant Kamble winner
    3 2019-20 Department MGM blood bank Kamothe Anas Shaikh Participation
    4 2019-20 Department BVIT, Navi Mumbai Ashish Sharma Participation
    5 2019-20 Department BVIT, Navi Mumbai Tejas Kadam Participation
    6 2019-20 Department S. S. Jondhale Polytechnic Ketan Bhosale winner
    7 2019-20 Department S. S. Jondhale Polytechnic Boni Patel winner
    8 2019-20 Department BVIT, Navi Mumbai Deepali Pawar First
    9 2019-20 Department BVIT, Navi Mumbai Shruti Khamkar First
    10 2019-20 Department BVIT, Navi Mumbai Apeksha Durape First
    11 2019-20 Department BVIT, Navi Mumbai Deepali Pawar First
    12 2019-20 Department BVIT, Navi Mumbai Shruti Khamkar First
    13 2019-20 Department BVIT, Navi Mumbai Apeksha Durape First
    14 2019-20 Department BVIT, Navi Mumbai Sanchita Mehetre First
    15 2019-20 Department BVIT, Navi Mumbai Anushka Hujare First
    16 2019-20 Department BVIT, Navi Mumbai Aditi Patil First
    17 2019-20 Department BVIT, Navi Mumbai Snehal Lendave First
    18 2019-20 Department BVIT, Navi Mumbai Shweta Takalkar First
    19 2019-20 Department S. S. Jondhale Polytechnic Dishant Kamble winner
    20 2021-22 Intra-college BVIT, Navi Mumbai Dev Rai Participation
    21 2021-22 Intra-college BVIT, Navi Mumbai Sanika Kurale Participation
    22 2021-22 Intra-college BVIT, Navi Mumbai Aditi Patil Participation
    23 2021-22 Intra-college BVIT, Navi Mumbai Atharrva Dalhade Participation
    24 2021-22 Intra-college BVIT, Navi Mumbai Komal Kamble Second
    25 2021-22 State Govt Poly Ambad Komal Kamble Participation
    26 2021-22 Department BVIT, Navi Mumbai Isha Patil First
    27 2021-22 Department BVIT, Navi Mumbai Gauri Shinde First
    28 2021-22 Department BVIT, Navi Mumbai Rutuja Sathe First
    29 2021-22 Department BVIT, Navi Mumbai Komal Kamble Third
    30 2021-22 Department BVIT, Navi Mumbai Janhvi Dhale Second
    31 2021-22 Department BVIT, Navi Mumbai Janhvi Dhale First
    32 2021-22 Department BVIT, Navi Mumbai Janhvi Dhale First
    33 2021-22 Department BVIT, Navi Mumbai Janhvi Dhale First
    34 2021-22 Department BVIT, Navi Mumbai Saniya Jitekar First
    35 2021-22 Department BVIT, Navi Mumbai Sakshi More Second
    36 2021-22 Intra-college BVIT, Navi Mumbai Siddhi Sonaje Second
    37 2021-22 Department BVIT, Navi Mumbai Aditi Patil First
    38 2021-22 Department BVIT, Navi Mumbai Aditi Patil First
    39 2021-22 Department BVIT, Navi Mumbai Kshitij Mhatre First
    40 2021-22 Department BVIT, Navi Mumbai Gauri Shinde First
    41 2021-22 Department BVIT, Navi Mumbai Saniya Jitekar First
    42 2022-23 Department SIOT ,Navi Mumbai Sejal Vartak Participation
    43 2022-23 Department SIOT ,Navi Mumbai Dhaval Sarode Participation
    44 2022-23 State Sarswati Institute of Technology Soham Kirve Third
    45 2022-23 State Sarswati Institute of Technology Parth Patil Third
    46 2022-23 Inter-Departmental ISTE student chapter Dev Rai First
    47 2022-23 Inter-Departmental ISTE student chapter Parth Patil First
    48 2022-23 Institute BVIT Navi Mumbai Saniya Jitekar First
    49 2022-23 Institute BVIT Navi Mumbai Saniya Jitekar First
    50 2022-23 Institute BVIT Navi Mumbai Saniya Jitekar First
    51 2022-23 Inter-Departmental ISTE student chapter Saniya Jitekar Participation
    52 2022-23 Institute BVIT Navi Mumbai Sakshi More First
    53 2022-23 Institute BVIT Navi Mumbai Sakshi More Second
    54 2022-23 Institute BVIT Navi Mumbai Sakshi More Second
    55 2022-23 Institute BVIT Navi Mumbai Sakshi More Second
    56 2022-23 Institute BVIT Navi Mumbai Sakshi More Second
    57 2022-23 Institute Infosys Springboard Sakshi Dodke Participation
    58 2022-23 Institute Infosys Springboard Isha Patil Participation
    59 2022-23 Institute Infosys Springboard Dhale Janhavi Participation
    60 2022-23 Institute Infosys Springboard Sejal Vartak Participation
    61 2022-23 Institute BVIT Navi Mumbai Gauri Arpita Third
    62 2022-23 Institute BVIT Navi Mumbai Saniya Jitekar Third

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