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Information Technology

About Department

About Department

This is an exciting period for the Information Technology profession as the rapidly changing technology creates many opportunities and challenges. Department of Information Technology is prepared to meet the challenges and is playing a leadership role in shaping the education of the 21st Century by providing unique educational and research opportunities in the forefront of Information Technology and their applications. The students are focused with the use of conceptual understanding of core domain areas in Computing as well as enhanced programming skills disseminating their analytical abilities. Our aim is to provide our students the lifelong learning and leadership skills that enable them to grow in their professions and advance to positions of responsibility by effective Industry-Institute Interaction. The Department has an excellent placement record and the placed students are in prestigious software industries all over the world. The objective of Information Technology diploma course is to educate students with an understanding of digital techniques, computer architecture, computer networks and programming languages. Information Technology is an advanced, discipline studying all the information processing which is essential to human activities. The diploma in Information Technology is a three years full time course. Information Technology is the use of computers and software to manage information. and applications of computers in relation to studies of computer maintenance, network management and operating system .The discipline of Information technology is a dynamic and growing field. It generally encompasses the following area: Storing Information Protecting Information Processing Information Transmitting Information Retrieving Information Web Technologies Programming Languages Operating System Computer Networks The main objective of information technology course is to provide with a sound, academically based curriculum during which you will be stepped in software design and development, fully grounded in both the theoretical and practical aspects of subjects. The diploma in Information Technology is a three years full time course. The discipline of Information Technology is a dynamic and growing field.

The department has been accredited by National Board of Accreditation for three years from 15/03/2012 to 15/3/2015 and from 30/06/2021 to 30/06/2024.

  • Year of Establishment: 2003
  • Student's Intake: 60
  • Head of Department: Mr. Ranjeet Ramesh Pawar
  • Contact - Phone no.: 022-27580126, EXT 183
  • Teaching Staff: 01+06=07
  • Non-Technical Staff: 03

Vision, Mission etc.


Aiming to empower the students to demonstrate technical and operational excellence through a commitment to professionalism and bridge the gap between academy and industry to contribute to the betterment of the society and the nation.


  • M1: To create a culture that fosters excellence and combines rigorous academic study with the support of a diverse campus community.
  • M2: To enable students to recognize the importance of development by pursuing higher education for challenging and rewarding careers in Computer and Information Sciences and business in the evolving global community.
  • M3: To create competent and trained professionals and entrepreneurs in Information Technology who shall contribute towards the advancement of engineering, science and technology & development of the nation.

Programme Educational Objectives (PEOs)

  • PEO 1. Provide socially responsible, environment friendly solutions to Information technology related broad-based problems adapting professional ethics.
  • PEO 2. Adapt state-of-the-art Information Technology broad-based techniques to work in multidisciplinary work environments.
  • PEO 3. Solve broad-based problems individually and as a team member communicating effectively in the world of work.

Program Outcomes (POs):

  • PO 1. Basic and Discipline specific knowledge: Apply knowledge of basic mathematics, sciences and engineering fundamentals and engineering specialization to solve the engineering problems.
  • PO 2. Problem analysis: Identify and analyse well-defined engineering problems using codified standard methods.
  • PO 3. Design/ development of solutions: Design solutions for well-defined technical problems and assist with the design of system components or processes to meet specified needs.
  • PO 4. Engineering tools, Experimentation and Testing: Apply modern engineering tools and appropriate technique to conduct standard tests and measurements.
  • PO 5. Engineering practices for society, sustainability and environment: Apply appropriate technology in context of society, sustainability, environment and ethical practices.
  • PO 6. Project Management: Use engineering management principles individually, as a team member or a leader to manage projects and effectively communicate about well-defined engineering activities.
  • PO 7. Life-long learning: Ability to analyse individual needs and engage in updating in the context of technological changes.

Programme Specific Objectives (PSOs)

  • PSO 1. Modern Information Technology: Use latest technologies for operation and application of information.
  • PSO 2. Information Technology Process: Maintain the information processes using modern information and communication technologies.


Faculty List and Profiles

Faculty List





Area Of Specialization


Date Of Joining

Date On Which Designated As Lecturer / Sr. Lecturer/ HOD Currently associated (Y/N) Nature Of Association (Regular/ Contract/ Adjunct)

If contractual mention Full time or Part time

Date Of Leaving (In case of Currently associated is "No")

1Mr.Ranjeet PawarAOOPP4110QM.EComputerHOD


2Mr.Sandeep ShindeBUKPS1168NM.EInformation TechnologyLecturer22-8-200822-8-2008YRegular  
3Mr.Kale SatishBBAPK2148DM.EInformation TechnologyLecturer22-8-200822-8-2008YRegular  
4Mr.Mulik SameerAYSPM7301AB.EInformation TechnologyLecturer14-8-200814-8-2008YRegular  
5Mrs.Asmita JagtapALJPJ9318CM.EComputerLecturer



6Mrs.Pratibha TambewaghAKRPT3358HM.EComputerLecturer21-6-201021-6-2010YRegular  
7Mr. Kanda kumaran ThevarBTPPT4965CB.EInformation TechnologyLecturer1-1-202501-01-25YContract  
8Mrs. Pruthvi HiremathAFKPH5682QB.EElectrical and ElectronicsLecturer01-01-2501-01-25YVisiting  

Faculty Profile

  1. Mr. Ranjeet Pawar, HoD
  2. Mr. Sandeep Shinde
  3. Mr. Satish Kale
  4. Mr. Sameer Mulik
  5. Mrs. Asmita Jagtap
  6. Mrs. Pratibha Tambewagh
  7. Mr. Kanda Kumaran Thevar
  8. Mrs. Pruthvi Hiremath

Faculty Load

Faculty Load

Teaching Load of each Faculty : Current Year
S.No. Name First Year Second Year Third Year Total Load
Theory Practical Theory Practical Theory Practical
1 Mr. Ranjeet Pawar -- -- -- -- 3 10 13
2 Mr. Satish Kale -- -- 6 12 -- 2 20
3 Mr. Sandeep Shinde -- -- 2 8 3 6 19
4 Mrs. Asmita Jagtap -- -- 3 8 3 6 20
5 Mr. Sameer Mulik -- -- 3 4 3 9 19
6 Mrs. Pratibha Tambewagh -- -- 4 10 3 2 19




Major Equipments

List of Major Equipments in each Laboratory / Workshop


1 6 KV UPS Networking Lab 110400
2 6 KV UPS Programing Lab 229500
3 5KVA POWER UPS Central Lab 229632
4 COMPUTER INTEL CORE I7-7700 Networking Lab 56000
5 COMPUTER INTEL CORE I7-7700 Programing Lab 56000
6 COMPUTER INTEL CORE I7-7700 Database Lab 56000

Laboratories - Experimental Set-up

Experimental Set-up

Awards & Honours

Roll of Honour

Roll of Honour
Academic Year Name of Student Percentage
2023 Anushka Pawar 91.19
2022 Jayesh Janardan Deshmukh 90.25
2021 Mohammed Suhail Shaikh 97.31
2020 Rushikesh Heman Bobade 94.56
2019 ASHISH PATIL 85.94
2018 Torvi Sujay 92.29
2017 Swapnali Kadam 90.59
2016 Ankita Patil 85.88
2015 Pranita Vishvasrao 87.12
2014 Surabhi Thakare 79.38
2013 Snehal Mhatre 80.13
2012 Aakash Mishtra 89.62
2011 Snehal Chavan 88
2010 Sujit Sandbhor 87.74
2009 Tejas Jadhav 83.27
2008 Laxmi Ghodke 76.2
2007 Manpreet Bajwa 78.83
2006 Pulakh Jaswal 73.25
2005 Mainal Aarti 75

Laurels to Department

Laurels to Department
Students' Achievements
S.No. Academic Year Event (National/ State/ Inter-Deparmental) VenueParticipants Achievements
012020-21National Lvel Intercollegiate GK Test 2021 Bharati Vidyapeeth ( Deemed To Be University), PuneMs. Akansha Ashok GaonkarSecured Second Rank(Junior Section) at National Level 
022020-21 State Level Competition-FITFLEX(Sports Category),Thakur Polytechnic,MumbaiMs. Akansha Ashok GaonkarSecured Second Rank In State Level Competition-FITFLEX(Sports Category)
032020-21'Quiziness'' Online Quiz Competition  Yashwantrao Bhonsale Polytechnic,SawantwadiMs. Akansha Ashok GaonkarAchieved Outstanding Performance Certificate In Online ''C Programming'' Quiz Competition 
042020-21'Quiziness'' Online Quiz Competition  Dept Of Information Technology,BVIT,Navi MumbaiMr.Vijay Balasaheb ZambareSecured First Place In ''Quiziness'' Online Quiz Competition \
052021-22National Level Basketball Championship Basketball Fedaration of IndiaMs.Rutuja NalawadeSecured First Rank In National Level Competition-(Sports Category)
062021-22State Level Basketball Championship Inter-District Youth Basketball Championship,DhuleMs.Rutuja NalawadeSecured Third Rank In State Level Competition-(Sports Category)
072022-23State Level 3 on 3 Basketball Championship Nashik Amateur Basketball AssociationMs.Rutuja NalawadeSecured Second Rank In State Level Competition-(Sports Category)
082022-23State Level Yudhakala EventMardani Sports Association of MaharashtraMs.Divya PatilSecured Silver Medal In State Level Competition(Sports Category) 
092022-23State Level Kata EventChava Shivkalin Bahuuddehiya KalamanchMs.Divya PatilSecured Bronze Medal In State Level Competition(Sports Category) 

Industries-Institute Interaction

Industrial Training

Industrial Training (Students)
S.No. Academic Year Date Industry Participants



15/06/2020 to 10/07/2020 Lotus Educare Academy, Navi Mumbai 56
15/06/2020 to 10/07/2020 Catseye Systems and Pvt Ltd. 2
2 2020-21 3/08/2021 to 31/08/2021 Lotus Educare Academy, Navi Mumbai 74
3 2021-22 04/07/2022 to 13/08/2022 Lotus Educare Academy, Navi Mumbai 76



05/06/2023 to 23/07/2023

Lotus Educare Academy, Navi Mumbai 70
Techq Konnect Technologies 2
Jsun Engineering 1
Star Pannel 1

Faculty Development Training Program / Industrial Training by faculty
S.No. Academic Name Of Staff Designation Training Title Total Offline/ Online Place
Year Days
1 2020-21 Ranjeet R.PawarHODInternet of Things 5 Online K.K.Wagh Poly,Nashik
Sameer V.Mulik Lecturer Block Chain  5 Online BVCOE,Navi Mumbai
Satish D.Kale Lecturer Artificial Intelligence 5 Online BVCOE,Navi Mumbai
Sandeep A.Shinde LecturerBlock Chain Application 5 Online Indian Institute of Plantation Management
Asmita A.Jagtap Lecturer E-Training on PHP with MySQL 5 Online Amrutvahini Poly.,Sangamner
Pratibha A. Tambewagh Lecturer Internet of Things 5 Online K.K.Wagh Poly,Nashik
2 2021-22 Ranjeet R.Pawar HODResearch Funding And Patent Filing 5 Online SIT,Lonavala
Sameer V.Mulik Lecturer Web Desiging and Development 3Online Sumago Infotech,Nashik
Satish D.Kale Lecturer Internet Of Things Application Phase 1 5 Online Abha Gaikwad–Patil College of Engineering, Nagpur.
Sandeep A.ShindeLecturer Web Desiging and Development 3 Online Sumago Infotech,Nashik
Asmita A.Jagtap Lecturer Complete Training & Quality Circle 3 Online Sumago Infotech,Nashik
Pratibha A. Tambewagh LecturerComplete Training & Quality Circle 3 Online Sumago Infotech,Nashik
3 2022-23 Ranjeet R.Pawar HODData Science With Python 5 Offline BVIT,Navi Mumbai
Sameer V.Mulik LecturerData Science With Python 5 Offline BVIT,Navi Mumbai
Satish D.KaleLecturer Data Science With Python 5 Offline BVIT,Navi Mumbai
Sandeep A.ShindeLecturer Data Science With Python5 OfflineBVIT,Navi Mumbai
Asmita A.Jagtap LecturerData Science With Python 5Offline BVIT,Navi Mumbai
Pratibha A. Tambewagh LecturerAMAZON WEB SERVICES 5 Online Dept.of Technology,Shivaji University,Kolhapur

Student Faculty Ratio

Student Faculty Ratio

Year Student Faculty Ratio

Continuous Evaluation System

Internal Continuous Evaluation System:

  • Evaluation of the students’ theoretical knowledge and practical performance skills are done continuously for all the courses by the concerned faculty.
  • Assignments are given after the completion of a Chapter in each course (subject).
  • Two Unit Tests are conducted in each semester.
  • During practical sessions, oral questions are asked and the students are assessed based on their ability to understand the Process and Product related to each experiment.

Feedback System

Feedback System

  • Students feedback is take during each semester (D-14 format provided by MSBTE)
  • Students feedback of faculty is taken during each semester.
  • Exit students (students passing out from the college) feedback is also taken.
  • Feedback is also taken from Stake holders like Parents, Alumni and Employers of the students from this Institute.

Co-curricular Activities

Sr. No. Date Event(National/ International/ Department) Venue Participants Achievement
130th -31st January 2020Tantra Utsav under ISTE Student Chapter MH-116 xThakur Polytechnic,KandivaliVaishnavi Rajput and Sawmya     Thakur,Rhutuja Kale and Ankita Bobade Runner Up
22019Quiz-A-Thon The Times of India in CampusThon The Times of India in CampusParticipation(7)Participation
32020Data Structure Quiz Competion, BVIT BVIT,Navi MumbaiAkanksha A. GaonkarParticipation
42020Online Technical Quiz Competition Pillai Poly,PanvelAkanksha A. GaonkarParticipation
52020C Programming Quiz Competition, YB Poly SawantwadiAkanksha A. GaonkarParticipation
619 to 20th April 2021Tantra Utsav under ISTE Student Chapter MH-116 Thakur Polytechnic,KandivaliAkanksha GoankarParticipation
72021Bharati Vidyapeeth GK Quiz Competition BVIT, Navi MumbaiAkanksha A. GaonkarSecond Prize
82021General Quiz Competition Thakur Polytechnic,KandivaliAkanksha A. GaonkarParticipation
92021Mobile App Development Quiz Competition Devi Mahalaxmi PolyAkanksha A. GaonkarParticipation
102022Technical Quiz Competition BVIT, Navi MumbaiApurva LakeshriParticipation
112022Technical Quiz Competition BVIT, Navi MumbaiAyush SahaneParticipation
122022Technical Quiz Competition BVIT, Navi MumbaiSanjay PatilParticipation
132022National Level Elocution CompetitionBharati Vidyapeeth College of Pharmacy,BelapurBhumi VedantParticipation
142022National Level Elocution CompetitionBharati Vidyapeeth College of PharmacyOmkar PawarParticipation
152022Elocution Competition BVIT, Navi MumbaiApurva LakeshriParticipation
162022C Programming Quiz Competition, YB Poly,SawantwadiApurva LakeshriParticipation
172023State level Code MasterThakur Polytechnic,KandivaliSudarshan DateParticipation
182023State level Quiz CompetitionAgnel Polytechnic,VashiSahil KambleParticipation
192023State level Quiz CompetitionAgnel Polytechnic,VashiDivya PatilParticipation
202023State level Quiz CompetitionAgnel Polytechnic,VashiPrerna KaleParticipation
212023State level Quiz CompetitionAgnel Polytechnic,VashiVaibhavi TalawnekarParticipation
222023State level Quiz CompetitionAgnel Polytechnic,VashiTamanna ShenoyParticipation
232023State level Paper Presenation Competition BVIT, Navi MumbaiTamanna ShenoyParticipation

Extra-Curricular Activities


Sr. No. Academic Year Event(National/ International/ Department) Venue Participants Achievement
1 2020-21 NATIONAL LEVEL INTERCOLLEGIATE G.K TEST Yashwantrao Mohite college of Arts and Commerce Jadhav Shradda ,Akanksha Gaonkar Rank Holder (Price-4000RS)
2 2021-22 National Level Basketball Championship  Basketball Fedaration of India Ms.Rutuja Nalawade Secured First Rank In National Level Competition-(Sports Category)
3 2021-22 State Level Basketball Championship  Inter-District Youth Basketball Championship,Dhule Ms.Rutuja Nalawade Secured Third Rank In State Level Competition-(Sports Category)
4 2022-23 Yudhakala Event Mardani Sports Association of Maharashtra Ms.Divya Patil Secured Silver Medal In State Level Competition(Sports Category) 
5 2022-23 Kata Event Chava Shivkalin Bahuuddehiya Kalamanch Ms.Divya Patil Secured Bronze Medal In State Level Competition(Sports Category) 

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