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Institute of Technology (Polytechnic), Navi Mumbai, Mumbai

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Mechanical Engineering

About Department

About Department:

Mechanical department was established in 2003-04 with an intake of 60. In the next year i.e. 2004-05 extra intake of 30 was added. Thus the total intake for the first year is 90. The department has well equipped labs, workshop, large and spacious Drawing hall accommodating 60 students at a time and a individual computer lab with 20 pcs.

Keeping in mind the overall development of students, MESA was formed in 2004. This association has a library with about 200 books which are frequently referred by the students. The books in the library are updated as per the revised curriculum. MESA also conducts various seminars of eminent personalities from industries and academics, arranges industrial visits, group discussions, quiz competitions, etc. every year.

  • Year of Establishment: 2004
  • Students Intake: 60
  • Head of Department: Mr. J.K.Patil
  • Contact-Phone No.: 022- 27572434 / 27571074 / 27572104 EXT-177
  • Teaching Staff: 10
  • Non-Technical Staff: 08

Vision, Mission etc.


Striving to be recognized for outstanding education and producing well-qualified diploma engineers, who are innovative, entrepreneurial and successful in advanced fields of engineering and higher education.


  • M1. To develop confidence in students by providing exposure to industry, thus preparing them to meet global challenges.
  • M2. To provide conceptual knowledge and develop analytical ability.
  • M3. To develop written, oral and graphical communication skills in both technical and non-technical environment.
  • M4. To enhance latest technical knowledge and problem solving ability by lifelong learning and imparting ethical values to serve to the society.

Program Educational Objectives (PEOs)

  • PEO 1. To provide students socially responsible, environmental friendly solution to Mechanical engineering related broad based problems adapting professional’s ethics.
  • PEO 2. To adapt state-of-the-art Mechanical engineering broad-based technologies to work in multi- disciplinary work environments.
  • PEO 3. To prepare students to solve broad-based problems individually and as a team member communicating effectively in the world of work.

Program Outcomes (POs):

  • PO 1. Basic and Discipline specific knowledge: Apply knowledge of basic mathematics, sciences and engineering fundamentals and engineering specialization to solve the engineering problems.
  • PO 2. Problem analysis: Identify and analyse well-defined engineering problems using codified standard methods.
  • PO 3. Design/ development of solutions: Design solutions for well-defined technical problems and assist with the design of system components or processes to meet specified needs.
  • PO 4. Engineering tools, Experimentation and Testing: Apply modern engineering tools and appropriate technique to conduct standard tests and measurements.
  • PO 5. Engineering practices for society, sustainability and environment: Apply appropriate technology in context of society, sustainability, environment and ethical practices.
  • PO 6. Project Management: Use engineering management principles individually, as a team member or a leader to manage projects and effectively communicate about well-defined engineering activities.
  • PO 7. Life-long learning: Ability to analyse individual needs and engage in updating in the context of technological changes.

Program Specific Outcomes (PSOs):

  • PSO 1. Machines and Mechanism Usage: Students will demonstrate the ability to design and conduct experiments, interpret and analyze data, and report results.
  • PSO 2. Mechanical Engineering Maintenance: Students will be familiar with modern engineering software tools and equipment to analyze mechanical engineering problems.


Faculty List and Profiles

Faculty List

S.No. Name PAN No Qualification Area of Specialization Designation Date of Joining Date on which
 as HOD, Lecture
 (Sr Grade), Lecture
(SL Grade)
Nature of
If contractual
 or part time
Date of leaving
1Mr.J.K.Patil ALCPPE4627MEMANUFACTURING PROCESSVice Principal12/24/199011/2/2022YRegular-No
2Mr.Choure S.S. AFNPC2827DMEPRODUCTION ENGGLecturer1/12/20051/12/2005YRegular-No
3Mr.Kadam Santosh AQZPK0236FMEMANUFACTURING SYSTEMLecturer9/7/20079/7/2007YRegular-No
4Mrs. Shreya Chavan ADFPY8830LMEPRODUCT DESIGN & DEVLP.Lecturer7/21/20087/21/2008YRegular-No
5Mr.Raut P.T. ASGPR4460FMECAD/CAMLecturer9/13/20089/13/2008YRegular-No
6Mr. Mane U.V AZDPM3264EMEMACHINE DESIGNLecturer3/11/20093/11/2009YRegular-No
7Mrs. Sarika Khare BSOPS4430BBEMECHANICALLecturer6/24/20106/24/2010YRegular-No
8Mr. Sharad Kantute ATUPK8872BMECAD/CAMLecturer6/21/20106/21/2010YRegular-No
9Mr. Amit Patil AYGPP0532NBEMECHANICALLecturer10/30/200910/30/2009YRegular-No
10Mr.Prashant Wankhede ABGPW4510QMECAD/CAMLecturer2/16/20092/16/2009YRegular-No

Faculty Profile

  1. Mr. Patil J.K., HoD
  2. Mr. Choure S.S.
  3. Mr. Santosh Kadam
  4. Mrs. Shreya Sandesh Chavan
  5. Mr. Padmakar Raut
  6. Mr. Uvraj Mane
  7. Mrs. Sarika Khare
  8. Mr. Sharad V.K.
  9. Mr. Amit J. Patil
  10. Mr. Prashant Wankhede

Faculty Load

Teaching Load of Each Faculty : Current Year 23-24
S.No. Name First Year Second Year Third YearTotal
Theory Practical Theory Practical Theory Practical
1 Mr.Patil J.K. - - -  8 10
2 Mr. Choure S.S. - 14- - 3  2 19
3 Mr. Kadam Santosh - 6- - 15
4 Mrs.Chavan Shreya 2 10 3 6 - - 21
5 Mr. Raut Padmakar 2 6 5 6 - - 19
6 Mr. Mane Uvraj 2 10- - 21
7 Mrs. Khare Sarika 2 10 3 6 - - 21
8 Mr. Wankhede Prashant - - - - 4 16 20
9 Mr. Patil Amit - - - - 7 12 19
10 Mr. Kantute Sharad - - 3 10  3 2 18



1. Metrology and Quality Control Lab.

mqc lab



3. Machine Shopmachine shop

4.Power Engg. and Thermal Labpower lab



7. CNC Labcnc lab

8.Automobile Lab                              auto lab  

Major Equipments

List Of Major Equipments In Each Laboratory/ Workshop
S.No. Equipment Name Laboratory Name Cost
1 universal teasting M/c STRENGHT OF MATERIAL 402000
2 Impact testing M/c 99150
3 Torsion Testing M/c 189000
4 Bend Rebend test attachment as per BI 4449-1997 toz som apts 40 mm 166776
5 Punmatic curickt trainer INDUSTRIAL FLUID POWER 87000
6 basic hydraulic trainer 160000
7 Two stage reciprocating air compresor test rig POWER ENGINEERING LAB 95000
8 vapor copression refrigeration test rig 55000
9 Engine test set with morse test 322000
10 Engine test set with rope brake 85000
11 Experimental set-up on solar flat plate collectar used for water heating 55000
12 Lce plant test rig 85000
13 Study of two stage reciprocating air compreser test setup 140000
14 Study of separating & throttling calorimetr 82320
15 Profile Projector MEASURMENT & QUALITY CONTROL 120165
16 Angle Dekkor 120000
17 Floting Carriage Micrometer 51000
18 Tool Maker Micrometer 83000
19 Auto Callimeter 94500
20 Pneumatic comparactor dial type 130000
21 Original Cut section single cyclinder 4 strock petrol Engine AUTOMOBILE LAB 63666
22 All geared head midium duty lathe M/c fitted with nortan gear box MACHINE SHOP 225000
23 All geared head midium duty lathe M/c fitted with nortan gear box MACHINE SHOP 225000
24 Universal Milling M/c Model UM1 MACHINE SHOP 150000
25 Universal Milling M/c Model UM1 MACHINE SHOP 150000
26 Atlas supercut lathe m/c 4 1/2" under motorised flame hardned bed with nporton gear box camplete with all std. accessories MACHINE SHOP 110000
27 Atlas supercut lathe m/c 4 1/2" under motorised flame hardned bed with nporton gear box camplete with all std. accessories MACHINE SHOP 110000
28 Atlas supercut lathe m/c 4 1/2" under motorised flame hardned bed with nporton gear box camplete with all std. accessories MACHINE SHOP 110000
29 Atlas supercut lathe m/c 4 1/2" under motorised flame hardned bed with nporton gear box camplete with all std. accessories MACHINE SHOP 110000
30 Atlas supercut lathe m/c 4 1/2" under motorised flame hardned bed with nporton gear box camplete with all std. accessories MACHINE SHOP 110000
31 Atlas supercut lathe m/c 4 1/2" under motorised flame hardned bed with nporton gear box camplete with all std. accessories MACHINE SHOP 110000
32 Atlas supercut lathe m/c 4 1/2" under motorised flame hardned bed with nporton gear box camplete with all std. accessories MACHINE SHOP 110000
33 Atlas supercut lathe m/c 4 1/2" under motorised flame hardned bed with nporton gear box camplete with all std. accessories MACHINE SHOP 110000
34 Atlas supercut lathe m/c 4 1/2" under motorised flame hardned bed with nporton gear box camplete with all std. accessories MACHINE SHOP 120000
35 Atlas supercut lathe m/c 4 1/2" under motorised flame hardned bed with nporton gear box camplete with all std. accessories MACHINE SHOP 120000
36 Atlas supercut lathe m/c 4 1/2" under motorised flame hardned bed with nporton gear box camplete with all std. accessories MACHINE SHOP 120000
37 Atlas supercut lathe m/c 4 1/2" under motorised flame hardned bed with nporton gear box camplete with all std. accessories MACHINE SHOP 120000
38 Atlas supercut lathe m/c 4 1/2" under motorised flame hardned bed with nporton gear box camplete with all std. accessories MACHINE SHOP 120000
39 Atlas supercut lathe m/c 4 1/2" under motorised flame hardned bed with nporton gear box camplete with all std. accessories MACHINE SHOP 120000
40 Atlas supercut lathe m/c 4 1/2" under motorised flame hardned bed with nporton gear box camplete with all std. accessories MACHINE SHOP 120000
41 Atlas supercut lathe m/c 4 1/2" under motorised flame hardned bed with nporton gear box camplete with all std. accessories MACHINE SHOP 120000
42 All Geared Head Midium Duty Lathe m/c fitted with nortan gear box MACHINE SHOP 295000
43 All Geared Head Midium Duty Lathe m/c fitted with nortan gear box MACHINE SHOP 295000
44 Pioneer heavyduty all geaved head stock with norton gear box modeal :- Eco turn MACHINE SHOP 180000
45 Pioneer heavyduty all geaved head stock with norton gear box modeal :- Eco turn MACHINE SHOP 180000
46 Hydraulic hack saw machine Jaswanl make MACHINE SHOP 60000
47 Dead weight preraure gauge FMM LAB 59850
48 Study of pressure head measurement 51000
49 Bernouli's beam unit 53984
50 Preparation of microostructure sample steup 179811
51 metallugical microscope (trinocalar) 68163
52 Quench hardness test 128800
53 Digital rockwell hardness tester 174720
54 Pell tester setup 125000
55 Slitting Mashine Setup 207000
56 Cnc Lathe trainer with Accessories ,CNC Mill Trainer With Automatic Tool Changes CNC LAB 1026080
57 Cnc lathe Machine (Max Power Turn) 1012500
58 Square Systems CNC Lathe Machine 1012500
59 Pneumatic comparator dial type MQC LAB 130000
60 Angle Dekkor 81354
Total 10596339

Experimental Setup

List of Experimental Setup in each Laboratory /Workshop
S.No. Laboratory Name Equipment Name Quantity
1 MACHANICS LAB 50 gm slotted weight 3
2 100 gm slotted weight 2
3 100 gm comical weight Iron painted Black 6
4 Differential axle and wheel 1
5 Winch crab single purchse 1
6 Gear pully block warm gear type 1
7 Screw Jack 1
8 Law of moments apparatus 1
9 Universal force table with aluminum pully 1
10 slop and deflection of Beam 1
11 Friction slide apparatus 1
12 SOM LAB Universal Teasting M/c 1
13 Foundation Bolt 1
14 Hydraulic Oil 1
15 Mechanical Extensometer 1
16 Impact Testing M/c 1
17 Rockwell Hardness Tester 1
18 Torsion Testing M/c 1
19 Bend Rcbend Test Attachment As Per BI 4449-1997-602 SOM Apt5 40mm Dia 1
20 Bending Tools dia 32X40mm 1
21 48X50,56,60,70,72,84,96,112,120,128,140 12
22 Bending Tools Dia 160mm 1
23 AUTOMOBILE LAB Differential mechanism of automobile 1
24 Cut section model of gear box 1
25 Cut section model of gear box with clutch 1
26 Original cut section 4 cyclinder 4 strock petrol engine 1
27 Original cut section 4 cyclinder 4 strock diesel engine 1
28 Original cut section single cyclinder 2 strock petrol engine 1
29 Hydraulic brake unit (two brake durms) 1
30 Hydraulic brake unit (four brake durms) 1
31 Working model of diaphragm spring type clutch for 4 wheeler 1
32 Hydraulic brake unit 1
33 Cut section of synchromech gear box 1
34 Working model of entire steering system 1
35 LPG kit for 3 wheeler without cylinder and gas 1
36 Working model of single plate coil spring type clutch for 2 wheeler 1
37 TOM LAB Mechanical operated brake 1
38 Single plate clutch 1
39 Multiplate clutch 1
40 Centrifugal clutch 1
41 Spur gear box 1
42 Box of muffcoupling 1
43 Model of Inversion of single slide crank mechanism 1
44 Whitwork quick return mechanisum 1
45 Crank & slotled link mechanisum 1
46 Inversion of double slide crank mechanism 1
47 Scotch voke mechanism 1
48 Small olhams coupling 1
49 Models of Geneva drive 1
50 Big olhams coupling 1
51 Model of Rope brake dynomometer 1
52 Model of crony brake dynomometer 1
53 Model of claw clutch 1
54 Model of Conical friction clutch 1
55 Model of plate clutch 1
56 Model of centrifugal clutch 1
57 Model of multiplate clutch 1
58 Density Hygrometer Voltmeter For Battery Charger 1
59 Multiplate Clutch Cut Section 1
60 Universal Governor Apparatus 1
61 MQC LAB Mecleod Gauge 1
62 Radiation pyrometer 1
63 Lathe tool dynamometer 1
64 Stroboscope 1
65 Centrifugal governer 1
66 Profile projector 1
67 Slip gauge set 1
68 Screw thread micrometer 1
69 Optical flat 1
70 Angle dekkor 1
71 Floting carriage micrometer 1
72 Tool maker micrometer 1
73 Dial gauge with stand (0.012-10 mm) 1
74 Dial gauge with stand (0.001-1 mm) 1
75 Dial gauge vernier calliprs 150 mm 1
76 Out side micrometer (0-25mm) 5
77 Out side micrometer (25-50mm) 2
78 Vernier calliper 6" 5
79 Vernier dipth gauge 150mm 1
80 feeter gauge 2
81 Screw thread micrometer with anvil (0-25mm) 1
82 wire gauge 1
83 Plain plug gauge 1
84 Fixed snap gauge double edge 20mm 1
85 Threaded plug gauge 10x175 mm 1
86 Depth gauge micrometer (0-25mm) 1
87 Sine bar 100mm 1
88 C.I. Surface plate (450x450mm) 1
89 Gear tooth vernier calliper 1-6 2
90 Screw pith gauge 2
91 V-block with clamp 2
92 Straight edge 500mm 1
93 Spirit level 300mm 1
94 Radius gauge 2
95 Span micro 0-25mm 1
96 Combination set 1
97 Inside micriometer (5-30mm) 1
98 Auto callimeter 1
99 Verner Hight Gauge 1
100 Adjustable snap Gauge 1
101 Pneumatic Comarator Dial Tyap 1
102 Bevel Protractor 1
103 Precision sprit Level 1
104 Tube Micrometer 1
105 Screw Pitch Gauge 1
106 Sine bar 150mm 1
107 Surface plate C.I 1
108 Angle dekker 1
109 Radiuse Gauge 1
110 Slip Gauge Set 1
111 IFP LAB calibration of yeuturi meter & orifice 1
112 Calibration of Rotameter 1
113 Equivalemt length of pipes and fifting 1
114 Benoullis thorem apparatus 1
115 Reciprorcating pump test rig 1
116 Punmatic curickt trainer 1
117 Basic hydraulic trainer 1
118 TEN LAB Two stage reciprocating air compresor test rig. 1
119 Vapor compression refrigeration test rig. 1
120 Engine test set 1
121 Engine test set with rope brake 1
122 Providing & fixing of air circulator fan with 4 no. 1/2" 1
123 Providing & fixing of air circulator fan with 4 no. 1/2" 1
124 celling fan cromton make 1
125 celling fan cromton make 1
126 Water cooler test rig. 1
127 Working domestic rerigerator (old) 1
128 Working Hermetically sealed compressor 1
129 Experimental set-up on solar flat plate collector used for water heating 1
130 Model of lancashive boiler 1
131 model of babcock and wilcox boiler 1
132 Model of locomotive boiler 1
133 Model of cocharn boiler 1
134 Model of vertical water tube boiler 1
135 Model of locomotive boiler 1
136 model of Loeffler boiler 1
137 model of Valox boiler 1
138 Thermal conductivity of metal rod testing 1
139 Exprimental set up of Stefan-Bottzmans law 1
140 Ice plant test Rig. 1
141 FMM LAB Calibratioin of venturi meter and orifice 1
142 Calibratioin of Rotameter 1
143 Equivalent length of pipes and fitting 1
144 Benoullis theorem Appt. 1
145 Reciprocating pump test rig. 1
146 Dead weight Prerure gauge Terter 5.5 1
147 Study of Pressure head Measurement 1
148 Benouali's Beam Unit 1
149 CNC LAB CNC Lathe Trainer with accessories 1
150 CNC Mill Trainer with Automatic Tool changes and accessories 1
151 Square Systems CNC Lathe Machine 1
152 MACHIN SHOP All Geared Head Midium Duty Lathe m/c fitted with nortan gear box 2
153 8"x3 Jaw true chuck 2
154 Electric coolant pump with tank 2
155 Rear splash guard for 6 ft. 2
156 Radial drill m/c amt 25 with accessories 1
157 half drill chuck with arbour 1
158 6" drill vice 1
159 Emalco make bench grinder doubble ended with grinding wheel 1
160 Unverisal Milling m/c model UM1 2
161 Dividing head with center induxing 1
162 True chuck for dividing head 2
163 Unverisal avilling vice 2
164 Rotary table 10" 2
165 Milling Adaptor 2
166 Atlas supercut lathe m/c 4 1/2" under motorised flame hardned bed with nporton gear box camplete with all std. accessories 8
167 165 x 3 jaw ture chuck 1
168 The difference between gog chuck and true chuck 8
169 Anti vibration mounting of m/c with fitings 48
170 Providing and fixing ofair circulated fan with 4 no. 1/2 " anchor fastners almonard make 4
171 BLDC motor (1 hp 3000 rpm flang mounted) 1
172 Atlas Lathe Machine 51/2 Unelermotorised Flame Hardended Bed With nohorn Gear Box & all Std Accessorice 1
173 Atlas Lathe Machine 51/2 Unelermotorised Flame Hardended Bed With nohorn Gear Box & all Std Accessorice 1
174 Atlas Lathe Machine 51/2 Unelermotorised Flame Hardended Bed With nohorn Gear Box & all Std Accessorice 8
175 Pioneer Heavy Duty all Gerrd Lathe With Norton Gear Box 2
176 Milling Machine Universal UM-1 With Light Arragement Coolar & Pump Vertical Altechment & Milling Vice 2
177 Drilling Machine KMP Make Moddel No 19 With 1/2 Drill Chuck 1
178 Hydrulic Hacksaw Machine Jaswant Make 1
179 MAC LAB To Measure the displace ment by using inductive transducer 1
180 To measure temperature by using thermocouple R.T.D 1
181 To measure the strain by using strain geuge 1
182 To measure the liquid level by using capacitive transduer 1
183 To measure the force/weight by usibg load cell 1
184 To measure the humidity by using hygrometer 1
185 To measure the negative pressu using mcleod gayge bourdon tube 1
186 MEM LAB Preparation Of Microoostructure Sample Stup 1
187 Metallurgical Microscope (Trinocalar ) 1
188 stranden Metallurgical Microstracture Set 1
189 Quench Hardness Test 1
190 Digital Rockwell Hardness Tester 1
191 Computerized Brinell Harness Tester 1
192 Pell Tester Setup 1
193 Slitting Machine Setup 1
194 TEN LAB Study Of 2 Stage Vecipracating Air Compressor Test Setup 1
195 Condenser Heat Exchange Models 1
196 Study Of Thermal Conductivity Of Metal Rod 1
197 Study Of Stefan Boltsman Apparatuse 1
198 Study Of Natural And Froced Conection Apparatuse 1
199 Study Of Separating And Thrattling Calorimeter 1
200 CAD LAB Intel 2.5 GHZ processer intel 31 PR Motherborad seagate 80 GB sata H/O 14B dynet DDR2 Ram Samsung DVD wrinten Microsoft Keyboard with mouse ATX cabinet with 400 samps samsung TFT Moniter 5
201 HP Leser jet 1008 Printer 1
202 HP 2410 Secaner 1
203 Intel 2.19 13 GHZ Proeesor Intel DHSSTC Motherboard Dynet 2GB RAM DDR III 250 GB H/D Samsung DVD R/W ATX Cabinet With 400w SMPS Key Board Mouse Logtich Combo Samsung 19TFT Moniter 11
204 Intel Core i3 Processor Intel 161 Motherboard Seagate 500GB HDD,DDR 4GB RAM, DVD R/W Samsung Slgb 150 Moniter Logitech MK 200 Combo 6
205 HP Laserjet Plus Printer 1
206 Ciso 24 Port Network Switch 1
207 D-Link 24 Port Patch Panel 1
208 D-Link Cat 6 Patch Cord 24
209 D-Link 6U Wall Rack 1
210 ZW Cad Profesnal Network Version on Single Network 20 Users License 1
211 Intel Core i3 processor Gigabyte H81 MCS Motherboard L.G DVD Writer Dynet DDR 11 4 GB RAM Seagate 500 GB HDD Samsung 18.5 Moniter Logitech MK 200 Cambo 5

Awards and Honours

Roll of Honour

Roll of Honour
Academic Year Name of Student Percentage
2008 Singh Inder 76.69
2009 Kale Amit 80.46
2010 Shinde Sagar 81.90
2011 Pradhan Abhisek 89.77
2012 Mhatre Omkar 82.15
2013 Awari P. 83.04
2014 Joshi Vinit 84.77
2015 Desai Akshay 83.88
2016 Khan Kamran 89.82
2017 Patne Prashant 93.54
2018 Balkrishna Kute 86.95
2019 Vishukant Pande 89.65
2020 Niranjan Kolur 92.31
2021 Akash Jadhav 93.49
2022 Atharav Salunkhe 85.13
2023 Tanmay Sarnobat 86.77

Laurels to Department

Students' Achievements

S.No. Date Event (National / State / Inter-Departmental) Venue Participants Achievements
1 May 2020 International Journal of Advance Research, Ideas and Innovations in Technology online Virendrakumar Hubalal Patel, Nikhil Banne, Yash Patil, Abhijit Mandal Awarded certificate of appreciation
2 1/9/21 International Journal of Advanced Research in Science, Communication and Technology (IJARSCT) online Prashant Narayan, Meith Jain, Shubham Borade, Vedant Swami, Santosh Pal Awarded certificate of appreciation

  • Mast. Adesh Lodi (syme) has designed and fabricated Electric Bike during lockdown
  • Mast Anurag Ingole has completed Python course during academic year 2021-22
  • Mast. Ashish Yadav has won 2nd runner up in state level Athelitics

Faculty Achievements
Qualification Improvement
1Amit PatilPursuing ME

Paper Publications

1Mr.J.K.Patil1.1. Optimization of the Response of Critical Components of Mandrel
2. Fault Diagnosis of Rotating Machinery Using Infrared Thermal Imaging
3. A Review Paper On Crack Analysis Of Process Equipment

4. Energy Policy-Ethanol production in India-The roles of policy, price and demands

5. Smart solar panel, hydrophobic Nano coating and cleaning system

1. June 2021
2. 2 Feb 2021
3.March 2019

4. May 2023

5.May 2023

1.1.International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications
2. International Journal of Advanced Research in Science, Communication and Technology (IJARSCT)
3. International Journal of Engineering Science and Computing, March 2019

4. International Journal of Advanced Research in Science, Communication and Technology (IJARSCT)

5. IRE Journal

2Mr.Choure S.S.1. PLC based Bus washing system
2. .Optimization of Machining Parameters For Surface Roughness in CNC Turning for bright bar By Taguchi Method
3. Design and structural analysis of Pelton Wheel Turbine Blade
4. Modelling, design and Analysis of differential gear box and its housing through FEM, solidworks and Ansys Benchwork 14.0.
1. March 2019
2..Dec. 2020
3.Dec 2020
4. May 2021
1. Journal of Emerging Technologies and Innovative Research (JETIR)
2. International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET)
3. International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET)
4. International Journal of Engineering Science and Computing,
3Mr.Kadam Santosh1. Optimization Of Machining Parameters For Surface Roughness In Cnc Turning For Bright Bar (En24t Steel) By Taguchi Method
2. Current Status of Solar Energy Potential and Future Energy of India: An Overview
3. A Review on Piezoelectricity and Piezoelectric Material as a Source of Generating Electricity and its Working Applications
1. May 2019
2.May 2021
3. Jun 2021
1.Journal of Emerging Technologies and Innovative Research
2. International Journal of Advanced Research in Science, Communication and Technology (IJARSCT)
3. International Journal of Advanced Research in Science, Communication and Technology (IJARSCT)
4Mrs. Shreya Chavan1. E- Vehicle Challenges
2. Kinematic Analysis of Robot Manipulator
3. Design, Analysis & Optimization of Pulp washer Press
4. Paper slicing mechanism via using Geneva Mechanism

5. Single wheel electric skateboard

6. Bladeless fan with cleaner

7. Study of universal solar charger

1.May 2021
2.Oct 2020
3. 2018
4. Sept 2021

5. June 2022

6.June 2022

7. May 2023

1.. International Journal of Advanced Research in Science, Communication and Technology (IJARSCT)
2. International Journal of Advanced Research in Science, Communication and Technology (IJARSCT)
3. International Journal of Scientific Engineering and Science(IJSES)
4. International Journal of Advanced Research in Science, Communication and Technology (IJARSCT)
5Mr.Raut P.T2.1. Optimization of the Response of Critical Components of Mandrel
2. Fault Diagnosis of Rotating Machinery Using Infrared Thermal Imaging
3. A Review Paper On Crack Analysis Of Process Equipment

4. Energy Policy-Ethanol production in India-The roles of policy, price and demands

5. Smart solar panel, hydrophobic Nano coating and cleaning system

1. June 2021
2. 2 Feb 2021
3.March 2019

4. May 2023

5.May 2023

1.1.International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications
2. International Journal of Advanced Research in Science, Communication and Technology (IJARSCT)
3. International Journal of Engineering Science and Computing, March 2019

4. International Journal of Advanced Research in Science, Communication and Technology (IJARSCT)

5. IRE Journal



3.Integration of CAD/CAM for Manufacturing A Mechanical Component.

4.FEA Analysis of Rectangular Pressure Vessel Boxes

1. May 2021
2. Dec 2020

3.FEB 2022

4. April 2023

1.International Journal of Advanced Research in Science, Communication and Technology (IJARSCT)
2. International Journal of Advanced Scientific Research and Engineering trend (IJARSCT)

3.International Journal of Advanced Research in Science, Communication and Technology (IJARSCT)

4. . International Journal of Advanced Scientific Research and Engineering trend (IJARSCT)

7Mr. Mane U.V1. PLC based Bus washing system
2. Optimization of Machining Parameters For Surface Roughness in CNC Turning for bright bar By Taguchi Method
3. Design and structural analysis of Pelton Wheel Turbine Blade
4. Modelling, design and Analysis of differential gear box and its housing through FEM, solidworks and Ansys Benchwork 14.0
1. March 2019
2..Dec. 2020
3.Dec 2020
4. May 2021
1. Journal of Emerging Technologies and Innovative Research (JETIR)
2. International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET)
3. International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET)
4. International Journal of Engineering Science and Computing,
8Mrs. Sarika Khare1. A Review Paper on Safety of Third Row Occupant in The Event of Vehicle Crash
2. An Overview of Aluminum Foam Production Methods
1. Oct 2020
2. May 2021
1. International Journal of Engineering Science and Computing,
2. International Journal of Advanced Research in Science, Communication and Technology (IJARSCT


3.Integration of CAD/CAM for Manufacturing A Mechanical Component.

4.FEA Analysis of Rectangular Pressure Vessel Boxes

1. May 2021
2. Dec 2020

3.FEB 2022

4. April 2023

1.International Journal of Advanced Research in Science, Communication and Technology (IJARSCT)
2. International Journal of Advanced Scientific Research and Engineering trend (IJARSCT)

3.International Journal of Advanced Research in Science, Communication and Technology (IJARSCT)

4. . International Journal of Advanced Scientific Research and Engineering trend (IJARSCT)

10Mr. Amit Patil1.Kinematic Analysis of Robot Manipulator

2. .E-Vehicle Challenges

3.Critical Review on Automatic solar panel cleaning system

1. Oct 2020
2. May 2021

3.May 2022

1.International Journal of Advanced Research in Science, Communication and Technology (IJARSCT)
2.International Journal of Advanced Research in Science, Communication and Technology (IJARSCT)

3. International Journal of Advanced Research in Science, Communication and Technology (IJARSCT)

Industry Institute Interaction

Industrial Training

Industrial Training (Faculty and students)

Industrial Training (Faculty and students)

Industrial Training (Students)

S.No.Duration Industry Participants
110/6/2023 to 22/7/2023Milestone Thane40 Students
210/6/2023 to 22/7/2023RCIIF Navi Mumbai30 Students
39/8/2021 to 17/9/2021CIPET Aurangabad CAD Department107 Students

Industrial Training (Faculty)

S.No.Date Industry Participants
102 to 08 Sep 2023L & T Institute of technologyMrs. Shreya Chavan
202 to 08 Sep 2023L & T Institute of technologyMr. Uvaraj Mane
317 to 21 April 2023M/s. FESTO INDIA PVT. LTDMrs. Sarika Khare
427 to 31 Mar 2023M/s. FESTO INDIA PVT. LTDMr. Uvaraj Mane
517 to 21 April 2023M/s. FESTO INDIA PVT. LTDMrs. Shreya Chavan
617 to 21 April 2023M/s. FESTO INDIA PVT. LTDMr. Choure S. S
721 to 23 Jan2009Larson and Toubro, MadhMr. Patil Jaypal K
806 to 08 March 2018Reliance Infra Ltd., DhanuMr. Patil Jaypal K
921 to 23 Jan2009L & T Institute of technologyMr. Choure S. S.
1026 to 28 Dec 2011Hindustan Aeronautics Ltd.(HAL) Nasik..Mr. Choure S. S
1117 to 19 Jan.2013Ashok Leyland Ltd. Gadegaon , Bhandara.Mr. Choure S. S
1213 to 15 Feb 2018.Reliance Infra. Ltd. Dahanu Thermal Power Station ,DahanuMr. Choure S. S
1306 to 08 March 2018Adani Thermal Power Plant, DahanuMr. Padmakar T. Raut
1417 to 19 Jun 2019M/s. FESTO INDIA PVT. LTDMr. Padmakar T. Raut
1514 to 16March 2019Strauma Engg. Pvt Ltd, NasikMr. Padmakar T. Raut
165 to 9 March 2018“M/s BOSCH Ltd. Pune”Mr. Prashant R. Wankhede
1726 to28 Sep 2019Adani Dahanu Thermal Power PlantMr. Prashant R. Wankhede
1826 to 28 Sept 2019Adani Dahanu Thermal Power Station, DahanuMr. Amit J. Patil
1901to 05 Feb 2021Veermata Jeejabai Technological Institute (VJTI), MumbaiMr. Amit J. Patil
2005 to 07 Sep 2012L & T Powai MumbaiMr. S. V. Kantute
2107 to 09 Sep 2011FIAT India Automobiles Ltd. Ranjangaon PuneMr. S. V. Kantute
2217to 19 Jan 2013Ashok Leyland Ltd. BhandaraMr. S. V. Kantute
235 to 9 March 2018M/s BOSCH Ltd. PuneMr. U. V. Mane
2424 to 26August 2019M/s Strama Summit Ltd. NahikMr. U. V. Mane
2523 to 27 Jun 2019Adani Thermal Power Plant, DahanuMrs. Shreya Sandesh Chavan
2620 to 22 May 2018M/s. Accurate Sales & Services Pvt. Ltd, PuneMrs. Shreya Sandesh Chavan
2725 to 27 Sep 2017M/s. Accurate Sales & Services Pvt. Ltd, PuneMrs. Shreya Sandesh Chavan
2821 to 23 Aug 2019Festo India Pvt. Ltd. ,SantacruzMrs. Sarika Kishor Khare
2914 to 16 March 2019Strama Summit Pvt.Ltd. NasikMrs. Sarika Kishor Khare


Student Faculty Ratio

Permanent Faculty:Student ratio:
Year Student Faculty Ratio
2022-2023 19.85
2021-2022 20.15
2020-2021 20.35
2019-2020  27.21
2018-2019 23.87
2017-2018 20.44

Continuous Evaluation System

Internal Continuous Evaluation System

  1. Two unit tests are conducted every semester.
  2. Each test is for 25 marks. Questions from MSBTE previous years & sample question papers are discussed and solved before the unit test. Question Banks are given and students are made to solve them.
  3. During practicals Motor skills, intellectual skills and prior concepts of each student are observed and assessed accordingly
  4. Regular assessment of the completed practicals and assignments, called “Continuous assessment” is followed strictly.
  5. Each course is assigned with one micro project, which students perform in groups of 5 and is assessed out of 10 marks.
  6. Term work evaluation is based on continuous assessment, Micro project report and Unit Tests.
  7. Finally, attainments COs, POs & PSOs are obtained on the basis of marks that the students have secured in internal and external assessments / examinations

Feedback System

Student feedback of faculty is taken during each semester

  1. Exit students (students passing out from the college) feedback is taken from each batch of students.
  2. Feedback is also taken from Stakeholders like Parents, Alumni and Employers of the students.
  3. Apart from the above, Students feedback is taken on the following facilities
    1. Library
    2. Office
    3. Canteen
    4. Medical room
    5. Safety Checks
    6. Class rooms
    7. Washrooms
    8. Hostel
    9. Parking

Co-curricular Activities

Co-curricular Activities
S.No. Date Event (National/ International/ Department) Venue Participants Achievement
1 28/2/2021 Online Quiz on Internal Quality Assurance Cell Nishitha Degree college, Nizamabad Deep Janardan Mali Participation
2 28/2/2021 Online Quiz on Internal Quality Assurance Cell Nishitha Degree college, Nizamabad Chinmay Vikas Patil Participation
3 28/2/2021 Online Quiz on Internal Quality Assurance Cell Nishitha Degree college, Nizamabad Soham Nilesh Thakur Participation
4 1/3/2021 Online Quiz on Internal Quality Assurance Cell Nishitha Degree college, Nizamabad Pradeep R. Gangurde Participation
5 7/6/2021 Technical Quiz Pillai Hoc Polytechnic, Rasayani Onkar S. Avhad Participation
6 7/6/2021 Technical Quiz Pillai Hoc Polytechnic, Rasayani Abhishek Gaud Participation
7 14/6/2021 Webinar on Engine Deign International Journal of Advance study and research work Vighnesh Aswale Participation
8 14/6/2021 Webinar on Engine Deign International Journal of Advance study and research work Sanket Kondilkar Participation
9 14/6/2021 Webinar on Engine Deign International Journal of Advance study and research work Parminder Sing Mudder Participation
10 14/6/2021 Webinar on Engine Deign International Journal of Advance study and research work Mayur Lande Participation
11 14/6/2021 Webinar on Engine Deign International Journal of Advance study and research work Soham Thakur Participation
12 14/6/2021 Webinar on Engine Deign International Journal of Advance study and research work Suraj Bahale Participation
13 14/6/2021 Webinar on Engine Deign International Journal of Advance study and research work Deep Mali Participation
14 14/6/2021 Webinar on Engine Deign International Journal of Advance study and research work Vishal Kale Participation
15 10/9/2018 to 12/9/2018 Entrepreneurships Awareness Camp (EAC) Maharashtra Centre for Entrepreneurships Development (MCED) Bhavesh C. Shirodkar Participation
16 10/9/2018 to 12/9/2018 Entrepreneurships Awareness Camp (EAC) Maharashtra Centre for Entrepreneurships Development (MCED) Vishnukant Pandey Participation
17 September 2021 Paper Publish Inter National Journal 2021 IJARSCT, Volume 9, Issue 1 Prashant Narayan, Meith Jain, Shubham Borade, Vedant Swami, Santosh Pal Impact Factor: 5.731
18 May 2020 Paper Publish Inter National Journal 2021 IJARIIT Volume 7, Issue 3 Virendrakumar Hubalal Patel, Nikhil Banne, Yash Patil, Abhijit Mandal Impact Factor: 6.078
19 10/06/21 State Level Online Technical Quiz Bharati Vidyapeeth Institute Of Technology, Navi Mumbai Vishal Balasaheb Kalel, Sanket Arjun Kondilkar, Yash Ankush Chitte, Omkar Ghogare, Sonu Kailash Rajbhar, Kalpesh Kailas Karale, Aditya Pralhad Athawale, Babaji Adinath Jadhav, Vishal Maruti Shegade, Adarsh Vilas Tamboli, Balaji Dhanraj Kawle, Pratik Harishchandra Sanas, Amey Tanaji Damse, Shubham Babasaheb Patil, Suraj Devidas Bahale, Participation

Extra-Curricular Activities

Extra-Curricular Activities

S.No. Date Event (National/ International/ Department) Venue Participants Achievement
12019-2020Annual Sports 100 meter runningBVIT, Navi MumbaiVasanta ReddySecond Position
22019-2020Annual Sports Long JumpBVIT, Navi MumbaiKiran JadhavSecond Position
32019-2020Annual Sports Disc ThrowBVIT, Navi MumbaiAkash DhumalThird Position
42019-2020Annual Sports Table TennisBVIT, Navi MumbaiChinamay RaghunandanSecond Position
52019-2020Annual Sports Badminton doublesBVIT, Navi MumbaiPiyush KhokaleFirst Position
62019-2020Annual Sports Badminton doublesBVIT, Navi MumbaiVedant ChingaleFirst Position
72019-2020Annual Sports ChessBVIT, Navi MumbaiOmkar MusaleFirst Position
82019-2020Annual Sports ChessBVIT, Navi MumbaiShubham JadhavSecond Position
92019-2020Annual Sports Carrom DoubleBVIT, Navi MumbaiShubham BoradeFirst Position
102019-2020Annual Sports Shot putBVIT, Navi MumbaiShubham PalkarSecond Position
112019-2020Annual Sports FootballBVIT, Navi MumbaiTYMEFirst Position
122019-2020Annual Sports KabbadiBVIT, Navi MumbaiTYMEFirst Position
132019-2020Annual Sports Box CricketBVIT, Navi MumbaiTYMERunner up
142019-2020Annual Sports Kho-KhoBVIT, Navi MumbaiTYMEFirst Position
152016-17Tree PlantationBVIT, Navi MumbaiME Department StudentsParticipation
168/01/21Blood DonationBVIT, Navi MumbaiAmit PatilBlood Donation
1711/4/2022Industrial VisitSilvasaSYME,TYMEParticipation
1815/9/22Boiler Expo. Industrial ExhibitionCIDCO Exhibition HallTYMEParticipation
199/12/22Industial visitAdani Powers, DahanuSYMEParticipation
2024/02/2023ISRO SPACE ExhibitionVJTI MumbaiTYMEParticipation
225/9/2023Foundation of Green-club under UNICEFBVIT, Navi MumbaiStudent of BVITParticipation
2302/10/2023Swacha Bharat AbiyanBVIT, Navi MumbaiSYMEParticipation
246/10/2023Emerge 2023- startup and business conclaveBV Navi Mumbai complexTYMEParticipation

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