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Institute of Technology (Polytechnic), Navi Mumbai, Mumbai

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Electrical Engineering

About Department

About Department:

The Department of Electrical Engineering of BVIT, Navi Mumbai was established in the academic year 2018-19 with a sanctioned intake of sixty students. The department is run by qualified, experienced teaching faculty with able support from qualified and experienced supporting staff. The laboratories are equipped with instruments as per the AICTE requirements to keep pace with the changes in Science and Technology and the curriculum designed by MSBTE Mumbai.

  • Year of Establishment:2018
  • Student's Intake:60
  • Head of Department:Mrs. Rajitha T.B.
  • Contact - Phone no:022-27572434 Ext - 154
  • Teaching Staff:6
  • Non-Technical Staff:3

Vision, Mission etc.


To provide quality and value based technical education to students through innovative learning methodologies, empowering them to become competent diploma engineers in the field of electrical engineering.


  1. To provide quality technical education to the students imbibing in them a thirst for continuous learning.
  2. To provide a holistic environment for the nurturing of socially responsible citizens with high professional ethics.

Programme Educational Objectives (PEOs):

  • PEO 1. Provide socially responsible, environment friendly solutions to Electrical engineering related broad-based problems adapting professional ethics.
  • PEO 2. Adapt state-of-the-art Electrical engineering broad-based technologies to work in multi-disciplinary work environments.
  • PEO 3. Solve broad-based problems individually and as a team member communicating effectively in the world of work.

Program Outcomes (POs):

  • PO 1. Basic and Discipline specific knowledge: Apply knowledge of basic mathematics, sciences and engineering fundamentals and engineering specialization to solve the engineering problems.
  • PO 2. Problem analysis: Identify and analyse well-defined engineering problems using codified standard methods.
  • PO 3. Design/ development of solutions: Design solutions for well-defined technical problems and assist with the design of system components or processes to meet specified needs.
  • PO 4. Engineering tools, Experimentation and Testing: Apply modern engineering tools and appropriate technique to conduct standard tests and measurements.
  • PO 5. Engineering practices for society, sustainability and environment: Apply appropriate technology in context of society, sustainability, environment and ethical practices.
  • PO 6. Project Management: Use engineering management principles individually, as a team member or a leader to manage projects and effectively communicate about well-defined engineering activities.
  • PO 7. Life-long learning: Ability to analyse individual needs and engage in updating in the context of technological changes.

Program Specific Outcomes (PSOs):

  • PSO 1. Electrical Equipment: Maintain various types of rotating and static electrical equipment.
  • PSO 2. Electric Power Systems: Maintain different types of electrical power systems.


Faculty List and Profiles

Faculty List

S.No. Name PAN No Qualification Area of Specialization Designation Date of Joining Date on which as
 HOD, Lecture (Sr Grade),
 Lecture (SL Grade)
Nature of association
If contractual
 mention fulltime
 or part time
Date of leaving
1Mrs. Rajitha T.BABGPT3471KMEElectrical Power SystemHOD7/15/19916/1/2020YRegular-No
2Mr.Ajit SinghAGAPA5466EMEBio-MedicalLecturer 12/8/200512/8/2005YRegular-No
3Mrs.Srilakshmi InampudiABAPI4425LMEElectrical & ElectronicsLecturer 8/1/20088/1/2008YRegular-No
4Mrs. Kavita SawantBDNPK0616DMEElectronics & Telecomm.Lecturer 7/13/20097/13/2009YRegular-No
5Mrs. Lovely GaurAPWPG2707FMEElectronics & Telecomm.Lecturer 10/29/200910/29/2009YRegular-No
6Mr. Mohan SawarkarBTWPS 8391BMEElectrical Power systemLecturer 8/10/20098/10/2009YRegular-No

Faculty Profile

Faculty Load

Teaching Load Of Each Faculty

Even Semester - (2023-24)

Theory PracticalTheory Practical Theory Practical
1.MRS.RAJITHA T.B. -- -- 0310 13
2.MRS DEEPA P. -- 0306 -- 09
3.MR.AJIT SINGH 0312 -06 -- 21
4.MRS.I.SRILAKSHMI -- 0410 0304 21
5.MRS KAVITA SAWANT 0410 -- 0404 22
6.MRS LOVELY GAUR -02 0406 0306 21
7.MR.MOHAN SAWARKAR -- 0314 03- 20
8.MR. VINOD WAGHMARE -06 02- -- 08




Computer Electrical Power Generation Lab
Electrical circuits Lab
Machine Lab 1
Machine lab 2
Elements of Electronics Lab

Major Equipments

Laboratory and Workshop Major Equipments

List of Major Equipments in each Laboratory/ Workshop

S.No. Equipment Name Laboratory Name Cost
1 3HP/230V/1500RPM D.C. shunt motor coupled to 2.2 kw/230v/ 1500 RPM shunt generator with base and coupling Machines lab-II 45,500/-
2 Transformer Rectifier Unit Input - 3phase, 415V, AC supply, Output -230 V/100A DC supply Machines lab-II 118,500/-
3 Transformer Rectifier Unit Input -phase, 415v, AC supply, Output -230V/30A, DC Supply Machines lab-II 47,500/-
4 Distribution panel made from MS cubicle type made form 16/18 CRCA sheet with powder coating complete with internal wiring, bus bar section mounted on MS frame Metering : 0-100A Ammeter type with ASS with CT's - 1 set 0-500 V AC voltmeter type with VSS -1 set RYB solid state indicating lamps - 3 Nos. Incomer 1: 100 A 4 Pole 16KA Machines lab-II 56,000/-
5 Speed control of 3 phase Induction motor using PWM inverter Machines lab-II 47,950/-
6 3HP/230V/1500RPM D.C. shunt motor coupled to 2.2 kw/230v/ 1500 RPM shunt gererator with base and coupling Machines lab-II 45,500.00
7 3HP/230V/1500RPM D.C. Series motor coupled to 2.2 kw/230v/ 1500 RPM shunt generator with base and coupling Machines lab-II 45,500/-
8 PLC demonstrator Machine lab-II 1,44,000/-
9 Tektronix 60MHz dual channel Digital Real time oscillator Machine lab-II 90,220/-
10 Pneumatic p+I Controller Machine lab-II 66,296/-
11 32 Channel Logic analyzer Machine lab-II 1,41,180/-
12 Logic Analyzer Machine lab-II 89,100/-
13 Spectrum Analyzer Machine lab-II 1,68,000/-
14 Storage Oscilloscope (C.R.O) Machine lab-II 56,100/-
15 Flow Control Loop Machine lab-II 1,25,000/-
16 8 Channel Data logger system with PC Interface Machine lab-II 45,000/-
17. Micrologix 1400 series PLC with digital & analog input-outputs Machine lab-II 1,32,284/-
18. Spirometer Electrical Circuits Lab 1,68,000/-
19. CRO (3 in 1) Electrical Circuits Lab 42,668/-
20 DECT2 Clamp Tester Electrical Circuits Lab 57,800/-
21 2 KVA alternator with prime mover (3 HP 415 volt 1440 RPM three phase induction motor coupled to 2 KVA /415 V /3 phase /1500 RPM/50Hz alternator with base and couplings with synchronizing panel and starter for motor Machines lab-I 77,500/-
22 Transformer oil test kit input of 240 V 50 HZ 1 phase out put 60 KV AC Machines lab-I 59,800/-
23 Experimental kit of fuse characteristics 1) input supply. 1PH.0-230 V 50 Hz AC supply.2)out puts sources A) voltage source - 0-50 Volts(Variable).B) AC current source -0-100A(200VA)(Variable) Switch gear & protection 72,900/-
24 Characteristics Of IDMT relay/induction to digital over current relay trainer with panel Switch gear & protection 72,500/-
25 Microprocessor based over current relay Switch gear & protection 69,500/-
26 LCD Projector Computer Lab 70,000/-
27 Air compressor Machine lab-II 66,296/-

Experimental Setup

List of Experimental Setup in each Laboratory /Workshop

1 Switchgear & Protection Demonstration of switchgear testing kit 3
2 Identification of various switchgears 4
3 Testing of HRC fuse by load test 1
4 Testing of MCB by load test 1
5 Identification of parts of MCCB/ELCB 1 each
6 Carryout plug and time setting of induction type electromagnetic relay 1
7 Testing of electromagnetic induction relay by load test 1
9 Elements of Electronics Lab PN junction diode 4
10 Zener diode & Zener as Voltage Regulator 2
11 Photo diode for varying the light intensity as well as distance 2
12 Build/test half wave & full wave rectifier with filters 2
13 DC power supply trainer kit 1
14 Regulator IC's: IC's 78XX,79XX 4
15 Logic gate IC's & Kits 4
16 Power transistor, IGBT, DIAC & SCR 8
17 R, RC & UJT triggering circuits 3
18 Test the effect of variation of R,C on firing angle in UJT triggering circuit. 1
19 Commutation Circuit 2
20 Half wave controlled rectifier with R , RL load & Freewheeling diode 1
21 Full wave controlled rectifier with R, RL load and freewheeling diode 1
22 DIAC and TRIAC phase controlled circuit 2
24 Adder & Subtractor 2
25 Use IC 7476 to construct and test the functionality of D and T flip flop. 4
26 RS flip flop using NAND gate. 2
27 MS JK flip flop using 7476. 2
28 4 bit ripple counter using 7476. 2
29 Computer, Keil Software, Flash Magic 16
30 LED Interface 2
31 7-segment display Interface 2
32 Stepper motor Interface 2
33 Machines Lab-1 FT with induction choke & electronic ballast, CFL, LED Lamps 6
34 Single phase and Three phase Induction motor 1 each
35 Three phase squirrel cage induction motors with DOL, star-delta, auto transformer starters 1
36 Three phase squirrel cage induction motor 1
37 3Phase squirrel cage induction motor. (For No-load and Blocked-rotor tests) 1
38 Three phase slip ring induction motor using rotor resistance starter. 1
39 Single phase Capacitor Start &Capacitor Run Induction run motor 1
40 Three phase alternator 1
41 3 phase synchronous motor 1
42   ELCB/RCCB - 1ph, 20 A, 230 V 01
43   Kelvin's double Bridge Kit 01
44   Wheatstone's Bridge Kit 01
45   Cable locator unit 01
46   Insulating Oil Testing Kit 01
47   Cables, Wires , fuse wires and wiring components Lumsum
48 Electrical Circuits Lab Three phase transformer 3
49 Single phase transformer 4
50 Linear Potentiometer (Rheostat)

DC regulated Power supply (0-30V DC)

Digital Multimeter (0-200V DC)

1 each
51 Angular Potentiometer
DC regulated Power supply (0-30V DC)
1 each
52 Rotameter flow measurement setup : Range 0-1000 LPH, Glass tube body, Bob Material-SS, connection 1’’, Mounting inlet bottom top outlet. 1
53 RTD - PT-100 Temp Bath 2 KW, 230V AC Digital Temperature indication 00C to 2000C, accuracy of +/- 1% Mercury Thermometer 0 to 3000 C 1
54 Thermocouple Thermocouple K Type : Temp range 0-2000 C Compensating cable 2 wire, 0.5mm2 1
55 Capacitance level measurement Input range 0-500 mm, power supply 230 Vac , 2 wire capacitance type, top mounted, Digital display indication of 0 – 500mm. 1
56 Rheostat 1
57 Choke 2
58 Capacitor box 2
59 Star /Delta load 1
60 Single phase Auto Transformer 4
61 T-Network(Resistive ) kits 4
62   Working Tables 02 Nos.
62 Safety accessories 01 Kit
63 Safety Tools 02 Kits
64 Auto transformer - 1 ph, 270V, 4A - 1 No. 01 No.
65 Ammeter (0-1 A) & ( 0-5A) 02
66 Voltmeter (0-300V) 01
67 Wattemeter - 300V, 5/10 A 01
68 Digital Multimeter 01
69 Megger -500V hand driven 01
70 Single Pole MCB - 1 Amp, type B, 6KA, 240V 01
71 Computer Lab AutoCAD 18 PCs
72 PLC Demonstrator 1
73 Computers 20
74 Micrologix 1400 series PLC 1 no.
75 Machines lab-2 DC machine (Cut view section) 1
76 DC shunt motor. 1
77 DC Series motor. 1
78 DC Shunt motor with generator coupled 1
79 DC Series motor with generator coupled 1
80 Single phase transformer. 2
81 Three phase transformer (phase checking) 1
82 Current Transformer 1
83 Potential Transformer 1
84 Isolation Transformer 1
85 Ammeter (0-10 A) Moving coil meter/Moving Iron

Voltmeter (0-300V) Moving coil meter/Moving Iron



86 Working Model Voltmeter, Ammeter Instrument

Screw Driver Standard Size

87 Voltmeter PMMC/MI

Ammeter PMMC/MI

88 Ammeter 0-1-10A MI/PMMC

Voltmeter 0-5-75-150-300 V

Resistive /Lamp Load 9A,230V,2.5Kw

89 Wattmeter 10A,300V,1250 W

Resistive/Lamp Load 12 A,2.5 KW

Single phase Variac 0-270V 10 A

90 Wattmeter 5A,300V

Voltmeter 0-300 V

Ammeter 0-5 A

Single Phase variac 4A,0-230 V

91 Digital Multimeter Voltage DC 600 Volt

Current DC 20 Amp AC 20 Amp

Analog Multimeter (0-5A) & (0-10A) AC (0-5 A)

Analog Voltmeter v (0-300 v)

Rheostat 0-270 V,5A

92 Kelvin Double Bridge Kit

Battery Regulated DC Supply 0-110 V

Galvanometer 0-110mA

93 Emf Source Variable Voltage Source

Voltmeter Range (0-100/230V)

Heater Coil 500 Watt or 1000 Watt

Rheostat 1.2 A,600 ohm

94 CRO 20/30/100 MHZ Frequency with attenuator probes

Rhestot Suitable Rheostat (0-200 ohm,5A)

95   Strain gauge trainer kit Strain gages of 350 ohms, Accuracy : +/- 1% Power Supply 230 Vac, maximum of 5-kg load, Digital indication 1 each
96   LVDT trainer kit - Displacement range +/- 20 mm, Accuracy of +/- 2% Primary Excitation 4 KHZ and 1 Volt, RMS Output : Digital display of +/- 20mm 1 each
97   Bourdon tube pressure gauge Input pressure range 0 – 50 psi. Accuracy of +/- 2%. Dial gauge indication in the range 0 to 50 psi and Digital display. 1 each

Awards and Honours

Roll of Honour

Roll of Honour
Academic Year Name of Student Percentage
2023 Soham Pandharinath Kadam 85.67
2022 Abhishek Ganpati Chavan 89.56
2021 Vipul Vitthal Gharat 95.83

Laurels to Department

Students' Achievements

Sr.No. Date Event (National/ State/ Inter-Deparmental) Venue Participants Achievements
119/4/2023State Level Paper PresentationGovt.Poly. MumbaiMr.Soham KadamSecond Prize
28/12/2022State Level Elocution competitionBVITMr.Soham KadamParticipation
32/11/2022Inter Department Elocution CompetitationBVITMr.Soham KadamSecond Prize
423/2/2022Inter Department Elocution CompetitationBVITMr.Soham KadamFirst Prize
520/5/2021“Innovative Ideas Competition” a Technical Project Exhibition Competition -National Level Government Polytechnic, Karad Mr. Revaskar  Karan Eknath  Secured First Prize 
6May-20Drone Squad-NationalVashiMr. Rahul VrundavaneAwarded certificate of appreciation for volunteering  help to Nation to combat against COVID-19, Pandemic using Drones


Laurels to Department

Faculty Achievements

Industry Tie-Up initiatives

Industry  Name of Faculty Activity
TCSMrs.Rajitha T.BWorked as Resource person from 2016-17 to 2019-20
TCSMrs Srilakshmi InampudiWorked as Resource person from 2019-20
TCSMrs Kavita SawantWorked as Resource person from 2019-20
TCSMrs Lovely GaurWorked as Resource person 2019-20


Laurels to Department

Faculty Paper Publications

Sr.No. Name of Faculty Paper Published Year  Name of Journal
1Mrs. T.B RajithaTesting & Troubleshooting of TransformersFeb-2024International Journal of Innovative Research in Electrical, Electronics, Instrumentation and Control Engineering
2Mrs. I.SrilakshmiTesting & Troubleshooting of TransformersFeb-2024International Journal of Innovative Research in Electrical, Electronics, Instrumentation and Control Engineering
3Mrs. Kavita SawantTesting & Troubleshooting of TransformersFeb-2024International Journal of Innovative Research in Electrical, Electronics, Instrumentation and Control Engineering
4Mrs. Lovely GaurTesting & Troubleshooting of TransformersFeb-2024International Journal of Innovative Research in Electrical, Electronics, Instrumentation and Control Engineering
5Mrs. Kavita SawantTorque to Track: The Evolution of Electric Traction And Its FutureFeb-2024International Journal of Innovative Research in Electrical, Electronics, Instrumentation and Control Engineering
6Mrs. T.B RajithaTorque to Track: The Evolution of Electric Traction And Its FutureFeb-2024International Journal of Innovative Research in Electrical, Electronics, Instrumentation and Control Engineering
7Mrs. I.SrilakshmiTorque to Track: The Evolution of Electric Traction And Its FutureFeb-2024International Journal of Innovative Research in Electrical, Electronics, Instrumentation and Control Engineering
8Mrs. Lovely GaurTorque to Track: The Evolution of Electric Traction And Its FutureFeb-2024International Journal of Innovative Research in Electrical, Electronics, Instrumentation and Control Engineering
9Mrs. T.B RajithaDesign and Analysis of Induction Motor thermal Model for Numerical ProtectionMay-2023International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology
10Mrs. T.B RajithaAnalysis Of Power Factor Improvement Method Using MicrocontrollerMay-2023Journal of Electronics Information Technology Science and Management
11Mrs. I.SrilakshmiAnalysis Of Power Factor Improvement Method Using MicrocontrollerMay-2023Journal of Electronics Information Technology Science and Management
12Mrs. I.SrilakshmiDesign and Analysis of Induction Motor thermal Model for Numerical ProtectionMay-2023International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology
13Mrs. Kavita SawantAnalysis Of Power Factor Improvement Method Using MicrocontrollerMay-2023Journal of Electronics Information Technology Science and Management
14Mrs. Lovely GaurAnalysis Of Power Factor Improvement Method Using MicrocontrollerMay-2023Journal of Electronics Information Technology Science and Management
15Mrs. T.B RajithaReview - Government Initiatives to Promote Energy Efficiency and Energy ConservationMar-2023Journal of Electronics Information Technology Science and Management
16Mrs. I.SrilakshmiReview - Government Initiatives to Promote Energy Efficiency and Energy ConservationMar-2023Journal of Electronics Information Technology Science and Management
17Mrs. I.SrilakshmiElectric VehicleMar-2023Journal for Basic Sciences
18Mrs. Kavita SawantReview - Government Initiatives to Promote Energy Efficiency and Energy ConservationMar-2023Journal of Electronics Information Technology Science and Management
19Mrs. Kavita SawantElectric VehicleMar-2023Journal for Basic Sciences
20Mrs. Lovely GaurReview - Government Initiatives to Promote Energy Efficiency and Energy ConservationMar-2023Journal of Electronics Information Technology Science and Management
21Mrs. Lovely GaurElectric VehicleMar-2023Journal for Basic Sciences
22Mrs. T.B RajithaUnderground Cable Fault Detection Device Using MicrocontrollerMay-2022International Journal for Research in Applied Science & Engineering Technology (IJRASET)
23Mrs. I.SrilakshmiUnderground Cable Fault Detection Device Using MicrocontrollerMay-2022International Journal for Research in Applied Science & Engineering Technology (IJRASET)
24Mrs. Lovely GaurUnderground Cable Fault Detection Device Using MicrocontrollerMay-2022International Journal for Research in Applied Science & Engineering Technology (IJRASET)
25Mrs. Kavita SawantUnderground Cable Fault Detection Device Using MicrocontrollerMay-2022International Journal for Research in Applied Science & Engineering Technology (IJRASET)
26Mr. Mohan SawarkarEffectiveness of Digital SubstationFeb-2022 
27Mrs. I.SrilakshmiAn Algorithm for Advanced and Smart Digital Locking SystemNov-2021International Research Journal of Modernization in Engineering Technology and Science (IRJMETS)
28Mrs. Kavita SawantAn Algorithm for Advanced and Smart Digital Locking SystemNov-2021International Research Journal of Modernization in Engineering Technology and Science (IRJMETS)
29Mrs. T.B RajithaGiFi Analysis of Gigabit Wireless Technology in the 60 GHz BandwidthFeb-2021International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET)
30Mrs. I.SrilakshmiGiFi Analysis of Gigabit Wireless Technology in the 60 GHz BandwidthFeb-2021International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET)
31Mrs. Lovely GaurGiFi Analysis of Gigabit Wireless Technology in the 60 GHz BandwidthFeb-2021International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET)
32Mrs. Kavita SawantGiFi Analysis of Gigabit Wireless Technology in the 60 GHz BandwidthFeb-2021International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET)
33Mrs. I.SrilakshmiIOT Based Flood DetectionSept-2021International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer and Communication Engineering (IRARCCE)
34Mrs. Lovely GaurIOT Based Flood DetectionSept-2021International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer and Communication Engineering (IRARCCE)
35Mrs. Kavita SawantIOT Based Flood DetectionSept-2021International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer and Communication Engineering (IRARCCE)
36Mrs. T.B RajithaAutomatic Medicine Vending Machine2021-22International Journal of Advanced Research in Science, Communication and Technology (IJARSCT)
37Mrs. T.B RajithaSlip dependent thermal model for high inertia motor protection2020-21International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET)
38Mr. Mohan SawarkarOnline Internation conference on Emerging Patterns and Innovation in Massive Open Online Courses (MOOC)Oct-2020Bharati vidyapeeth's Institute of Management Studies and Research.
39Mrs. I.SrilakshmiEye Detection using MATLABNov-2020International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET)
40Mrs. Kavita SawantEye Detection using MATLABNov-2020International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET)
41Mrs. Lovely GaurEye Detection using MATLABNov-2020International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET)
42Mr. Ajit SinghThe IEC 61850 Standard Mar-2019Journal of Emerging Technologies and Innovative Research (JETIR)
43Mr. Mohan SawarkarThe IEC 61850 Standard Mar-2019Journal of Emerging Technologies and Innovative Research (JETIR)
44Mrs. T.B RajithaImage Restoration using Non-Blind De-Convolution Approach-A ComparisonFeb 2019International Journal of Electronics and Communication Engineering and Technology (IJECET)
45Mrs. I.SrilakshmiImage Restoration using Non-Blind De-Convolution Approach-A ComparisonFeb 2019International Journal of Electronics and Communication Engineering and Technology (IJECET)
46Mr. Mohan SawarkarNumerical Distance ProtectionAug-18Khopoli Polytechnic,Khopoli


Student Faculty Ratio

Permanent Faculty: Student ratio:-
YearStudent Faculty Ratio

Continuous Evaluation System

Internal Continuous Evaluation System:-
  1. Two unit tests are conducted every semester.
  2. Each test is for 25 marks. Questions from MSBTE previous years & sample question papers are discussed and solved before the unit test. Question Banks are given and students are made to solve them.
  3. During practicals Motor skills, intellectual skills and prior concepts of each student are observed and assessed accordingly
  4. Regular assessment of the completed practicals and assignments, called “Continuous assessment” is followed strictly.
  5. Each course is assigned with one micro project, which students perform in groups of 5 and is assessed out of 10 marks.
  6. Term work evaluation is based on continuous assessment, Micro project report and Unit Tests.
  7. Finally, attainments COs, POs & PSOs are obtained on the basis of marks that the students have secured in internal and external assessments / examinations.

Feedback System

  1. Students feedback of faculty is taken during each semester.
  2. Exit students (students passing out from the college) feedback is taken from each batch of students.
  3. Feedback is also taken from Stake holders like Parents, Alumni and Employers of the students.
  4. Apart from the above, Students feedback is taken on the following facilities
    1. Library
    2. Office
    3. Canteen
    4. Medical room
    5. Safety Checks
    6. Class rooms
    7. Washrooms
    8. Hostel
    9. Parking

Co-curricular Activities

Co-curricular Activities:

Sr. No. DateEvent(National/ International/ Department) VenueParticipants Achievement
126/02/2024State Level Technical Quiz CompetitionBVITSuyog PatilParticipation
226/02/2025State Level Technical Quiz CompetitionBVITDhiraj PavsheParticipation
131/10/2023Inter Department Poster Making CompetitationBVITRitu K. DamadeFirst Prize
231/10/2023Inter Department Poster Making CompetitationBVITYash SawantParticipation
330/10/2023Inter Department Essay Writing CompetitationBVITRitu K. DamadeParticipation
430/10/2023Inter Department Essay Writing CompetitationBVITManas BhiseParticipation
518/9/2023Inter Department Elocution CompetitationBVITManas BhiseParticipation
618/9/2023Inter Department Elocution CompetitationBVITAtharva DhebParticipation
719/4/2023State Level Paper PresentationGovt.Poly. MumbaiSoham KadamSecond Prize
88/12/2022State Level Elocution competitionBVITSoham KadamParticipation
92/11/2022Inter Department Elocution CompetitationBVITAkash  BhagatParticipated 
102/11/2022Inter Department Elocution CompetitationBVITMausami ArjunParticipated 
112/11/2022Inter Department Elocution CompetitationBVITSoham KadamSecond Prize
1221/10/2022Inter Department General Quiz CompetitationBVITKeshav ZambareParticipation
1321/10/2022Inter Department General Quiz CompetitationBVITNikhil MerudeParticipation
1428/4/2022-02/05/2022Entrepreneurship Awareness Camp Maharashtra Centre for Entrepreneurship Development,ThaneTYEE StudentsParticipation
1523/4/2022State Level Project CompetitionVidyalankar Polytechnic, WadalaMausami Arjun Participation
1623/4/2022State Level Project CompetitionVidyalankar Polytechnic, WadalaJitesh MhatreParticipation
1723/4/2022State Level Project CompetitionVidyalankar Polytechnic, WadalaDevendra ShindeParticipation
1823/4/2022State Level Project CompetitionVidyalankar Polytechnic, WadalaKishor GaikwadParticipation
1929-03-2022 & 30-03-2022CIIA Exhibition & CompetitionNehru Centre, Worli, MumbaiJitesh MhatreParticipation
2029-03-2022 & 30-03-2022CIIA Exhibition & CompetitionNehru Centre, Worli, MumbaiDevendra ShindeParticipation
2129-03-2022 & 30-03-2022CIIA Exhibition & CompetitionNehru Centre, Worli, MumbaiMausami Arjun DattatrayaParticipation
2229-03-2022 & 30-03-2022CIIA Exhibition & CompetitionNehru Centre, Worli, MumbaiKishor GaikwadParticipation
2310/3/2022Nitro RC CompetitionSAEINDIA Collegiate Club, Fr. C. Rodrigues Institute of Technology, VashiOmkar AsabeSecond Prize
2423/2/2022Inter Department Elocution CompetitationBVITSoham KadamFirst Prize
2520/5/2021State Level Technical EventGovt..Poly, KaradKaran RevaskarSecured First Prize
2628/4/2021"Fiverr Freelancing 2020: Sell Fiverr Gigs Like the Top 1%"Online Karan RevaskarParticipated 
2729/4/2021Stock Market Course for BeginnersOnline Karan RevaskarParticipated 
2824/5/2020ElecTech2020Govt.Polytechnic,MumbaiKaran RevaskarParticipated 
2927/5/2020National Level Quiz Competition On
Environmental Engineering Awareness Amidst
M.H.Saboo Siddik College of EngineeringAryan LokareParticipated 
3026-09 -2020 to 27-09-2020IMUN Online Conference,UNESCOOnline Aditya ManeParticipated 
312019-2020Drone Squad-NationalVashiRahul VrundavaneParticipated 

Extra-curricular Activities

Extra-curricular Activities:

Sr. No. DateEvent(National/ International/ Department) VenueParticipants Achievement
130/12/2018Football  (Department )BVIT- Sector 07 Belpada   Aftab Shabbir  PathanWinner 
211/1/2019 Cricket (Department )Kharghar Belpada  Sector 07 Shourya Mayekar Participated 
316-05-2020   to 22-05-2020Fitness Challenge (National)Online Karan Eknath RevaskarRunner Up
413/7/2020Script Writing (Course)Online Mausami Arjun Participated 
510-08-2020 to 14/08/2020Short Film & Documentry MakingOnline Mausami Arjun Participated 
62019-20Football (Zonal)Inter college Diploma Students AssosiationEE DeptWinner 
76/3/2022JTC TAEKWONDO-District levelRaigad Dist.Abhishek IrelekarGold
87/8/2022JTC TAEKWONDO (Junior Category)-District levelRaigad Dist.Abhishek IrelekarGold
97/8/2022JTC TAEKWONDO (senior Category)-District levelRaigad Dist.Abhishek IrelekarSilver
1009-10-2022 to 15-10-202231ST All India G.V. Mavalankar Shooting Championship (Rifle)Asansol, West BengalSwayam SurveParticipated 
1120/11/2022Inter Dojang Campionship 2022-District level(Kyorugi)Anderi Sports ComplexAbhishek IrelekarGold
1220/11/2022Inter Dojang Campionship 2022-District level(Poomsae)Anderi Sports ComplexAbhishek IrelekarGold
1320/11/2022Inter Dojang Campionship 2022-District level(Board Breaking)Anderi Sports ComplexAbhishek IrelekarSilver
1422/11/2022Weight Lifting-63 Kg -A1 Zonal MeetGovt.Poly PuneNikam DevdattRunner -up
1522/11/2022Weight Lifting-60 Kg -A1 Zonal MeetGovt.Poly PuneNikam DevdattRunner -up
1622/11/2022Volley Ball -A1 Zonal MeetGovt.Poly PuneAkshay ShelkeRunner -up
1722/11/2022Volley Ball -A1 Zonal MeetGovt.Poly PuneSwarup DeshmukhRunner -up
1822/11/2022Volley Ball -A1 Zonal MeetGovt.Poly PunePratik ValanjuRunner -up
1918/08/2023 - 30/08/2023Peep Sight Air Rifle Championship 10M For MQSAhmedabad, GujratSwayam Sandeep SurveFourth
2015/11/2023 - 02/12/202310M Rifle Youth Men (ISSF) National ChampionshipAhmedabad, GujratSwayam Sandeep SurveParticipation
2123/01/2024Kick Boxing (senior Category)-District levelNamo Cheshak 2024, PanvelAbhishek IrelekarGold
2225/01/2024JTC TAEKWONDO (senior Category)-District levelNamo Cheshak 2024, PanvelAbhishek IrelekarGold
232/1/2024Kho-Kho - A1 Zonal Sports MeetIDESSA - Govt.Poly PuneNikam DevdattaRunner -up
242/1/2024Kho-Kho - A1 Zonal Sports MeetIDESSA - Govt.Poly PuneSarthak ParteRunner -up
252/1/2024Kho-Kho - A1 Zonal Sports MeetIDESSA - Govt.Poly PuneShubham NikhaleRunner -up
262/1/2024Kho-Kho - A1 Zonal Sports MeetIDESSA - Govt.Poly PuneMayuresh ShedeRunner -up
277/2/2024Wrestling-70 Kg -A1 Zonal MeetBVITNikam DevdattaWinner 


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